I'm implementing a HashMap, I have a copy constructor and an assignment operator overload function. When rehashing occurs in the HashMap the assignment operator overload function throws a segmentation fault. However if no rehashing occurred the assignment operator works fine. I think I might have been looking at code for too long and if a new set of eyes to scanned the code the problem would become obvious.
Here are my main member functions:
:hasher{hash}, Buckets_Array{new Node* [initialBucketCount]}, currentBucketCount{initialBucketCount}, sz{0}
fillArray(Buckets_Array, currentBucketCount);
HashMap::HashMap(const HashMap& hm)
:hasher{hm.hasher}, Buckets_Array{new Node*[hm.currentBucketCount]},currentBucketCount{hm.currentBucketCount}, sz{hm.sz}
arrayCopy(hm.Buckets_Array, Buckets_Array, currentBucketCount);
for(int i = 0; i < currentBucketCount; i++)
delete[] Buckets_Array;
HashMap& HashMap::operator=(const HashMap& hm)
if (this != &hm)
Node** newNodeArray = new Node*[hm.currentBucketCount];
fillArray(newNodeArray, hm.currentBucketCount);
arrayCopy(hm.Buckets_Array, newNodeArray, currentBucketCount);
currentBucketCount = hm.currentBucketCount;
sz = hm.sz;
for (int i = 0; i < currentBucketCount; i++)
delete[] Buckets_Array;
Buckets_Array = newNodeArray;
return *this;
void HashMap::add(const std::string& key, const std::string& value)
double futureLoadFactor = double((sz + 1))/double(currentBucketCount);
if (futureLoadFactor > maximumLoadFactor)
unsigned int index = getIndex(key);
if (!checkExists(Buckets_Array[index], key, value))
if (Buckets_Array[index] == nullptr)
Node* n = new Node;
n->key = key;
n->value = value;
n->next = nullptr;
Buckets_Array[index] = n;
addToEnd(Buckets_Array[index], key, value);
sz += 1;
Here are some helper member functions that I use:
void HashMap::fillArray(Node** nodeArray, int size)
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
nodeArray[i] = nullptr;
void HashMap::rehashKeys()
currentBucketCount = (currentBucketCount * 2) + 1;
Node** tempBucketsArry = new Node* [currentBucketCount];
fillArray(tempBucketsArry, currentBucketCount);
std::cout << "MAX INDEX: " << currentBucketCount/2 << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < currentBucketCount/2; i++)
hashLinkedList(Buckets_Array[i], tempBucketsArry);
delete[] Buckets_Array;
Buckets_Array = tempBucketsArry;
void HashMap::hashLinkedList(Node* node, Node**& node_arry)
if (node != nullptr)
int newIndex = getIndex(node->key);
addToEnd(node_arry[newIndex], node->key, node->value);
hashLinkedList(node->next, node_arry);
void HashMap::copyNode(Node* sourceNode, Node* targetNode)
targetNode->key = sourceNode->key;
targetNode->value = sourceNode->value;
sourceNode = sourceNode->next;
while (sourceNode != nullptr)
Node* tempNode = new Node;
tempNode->key = sourceNode->key;
tempNode->value = sourceNode->value;
targetNode->next = tempNode;
targetNode = targetNode->next;
sourceNode = sourceNode->next;
targetNode->next = nullptr;
void HashMap::arrayCopy(Node** source, Node**& target, int arrysz)
for (int i = 0; i < arrysz; i++)
if (source[i] != nullptr)
Node* copy = new Node;
copyNode(source[i], copy);
target[i] = copy;
target[i] = nullptr;
void HashMap::deleteLinkedList(Node* node)
while (node != nullptr)
if (node->next == nullptr)
delete node;
Node* next = node->next;
delete node;
node = next;
// Adds node to the end of linked list
void HashMap::addToEnd(Node*& node, std::string key, std::string value)
if ( node == nullptr )
Node* n = new Node;
n->key = key;
n->value = value;
n->next = nullptr;
node = n;
addToEnd(node->next, key, value);
When I ran memcheck it said that the error is in the deleteLinkedList function, on this line:
if (node->next == nullptr)
Since the problem occurs only when rehashing happens I was more inclined to check the rehashing function, however the rehashing function works fine if I don't invoke the assignment operator overloaded method. I would really appreciate any help.
Thank you.
In HashMap& HashMap::operator=(const HashMap& hm)
, you forgot to assign this->currentBucketCount
with hm.currentBucketCount
before the call to arrayCopy
You should swap both statements and keep the old value of currentBucketCount
to call deleteLinkedList
arrayCopy(hm.Buckets_Array, newNodeArray, currentBucketCount);
currentBucketCount = hm.currentBucketCount;
to be replaced by
int oldBucketCount = currentBucketCount;
currentBucketCount = hm.currentBucketCount;
arrayCopy(hm.Buckets_Array, newNodeArray, currentBucketCount);
for (int i = 0; i < oldBucketCount; i++)
or by
arrayCopy(hm.Buckets_Array, newNodeArray, hm.currentBucketCount);
// currentBucketCount = hm.currentBucketCount;
// sh = hm.sz;
for (int i = 0; i < currentBucketCount; i++)
currentBucketCount = hm.currentBucketCount;
sh = hm.sz;