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How to make a job step work

This code works when run as SQL Query in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 2008 but when is set as Job step then works only second condition (update when is not last day of month). What is wrong with this code?

 --set next invoice date
    declare @data nvarchar(10) --invoice date
    set @data = CONVERT (date, GETDATE());

    update table 
    set invoice_date = case when day(DATEADD(day,1,@data)) = 1 then --is last day of month
                                    (SELECT convert(date,DATEADD(s,-1,DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(m,0,GETDATE())+1,0)))) -- set inovice date as last day of next month
                          else --is not last day of month
                                    (select DATEADD(MM,1,@data)) --add one month to inovice date
    where status = 'current' and invoice_date = @data  -- only for current inovices


  • Try this. First condition will work on every month last day only.

    --set next invoice date
    DECLARE @data NVARCHAR(10) --invoice date
    SET @data = CONVERT (DATE, GETDATE());
    UPDATE table 
    SET invoice_date = CASE WHEN DAY(DATEADD(DAY,1,@data)) = 1 
                       THEN --is last day of month
                          CAST( DATEADD(s,-1,DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(m,0,@data)+2,0)) AS DATE) -- set inovice date as last day of next month
                       ELSE --is not last day of month
                         (DATEADD(MM,1,@data)) --add one month to inovice date
    WHERE status = 'current' AND invoice_date = @data  -- only for current inovices