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How is f(x) = 4x^2 - 5x + 3 is O(x^2) derived

Here are the steps that are used to prove the above

|f(x)| = |4x^2 – 5x + 3|
<= |4x^2|+ |- 5x| + |3|
<= 4x^2 + 5x + 3, for all x > 0
<= 4x^2 + 5x^2 + 3x^2, for all x > 1
<= 12x^2, for all x > 1 

Hence we conclude that f(x) is O(x^2)

I referred this But it does not help

Can someone explain the above proof step by step?

  1. Why the absolute value of f(x) is taken ?
  2. Why and how were all the term replaced by x^2 term?


  • Preparations

    We start by loosely stating the definition of a function or algorithm f being in O(g(n)):

    If a function f is in O(g(n)), then c · g(n) is an upper bound on f(n), for some non-negative constant c such that f(n) ≤ c · g(n) holds, for sufficiently large n (i.e. , n ≥ n0 for some constant n0).

    Hence, to show that f ∈ O(g(n)), we need to find a set of (non-negative) constants (c, n0) that fulfils

    f(n) ≤ c · g(n), for all n ≥ n0,                                (+)

    We note, however, that this set is not unique; the problem of finding the constants (c, n0) such that (+) holds is degenerate. In fact, if any such pair of constants exists, there will exist an infinite amount of different such pairs.


    For common convention, we'll analyse your example using variable name n rather than x.

    f(n) = 4n^2 - 5n + 3                                            (++)

    Now, for your example, we may assume, without loss of generality (since we're studying asymptotic complexity: function/algorithm behavior for "large" n) that n > n0 where n0 > 0. This would correspond to the analysis you've shown in your question analyzing absolute values of x. Anyway, given this assumption, the following holds:

    f(n) = 4n^2 - 5n + 3 < 4n^2 + 3, for all n > n0

    Now let, again without loss of generality, n0 equal 2 (we could choose any value, but lets choose 2 here). For n0 = 2, naturally n^2 > 3 holds for n > n0, which means the following holds:

    f(n) = 4n^2 - 5n + 3 < 4n^2 + 3 < 4n^2 + n^2, for all n > n0 = 2
    f(n) < 5n^2, for all n > n0 = 2

    Now choose c = 5 and let g(n) = n^2:

    f(n) < c · g(n), for all n > n0,
                     with c = 5, n0 = 2, g(n) = n^2

    Hence, from (+), we've shown that f as defined in (++) is in O(g(n)) = O(n^2).