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Which is faster? Switch statement or dictionary?

I see a lot of the following enum-to-string conversion in Objective-c/C at work. Stuff like:

static NSString *_TranslateMyAnimalToNSString(MyAnimal animal)
    switch (animal) {
        case MyAnimalDog:
            return "my_animal_dog";
        case MyAnimalCat:
            return @"my_animal_cat";
        case MyAnimalFish:
            return @"my_animal_fish";

NS_ENUM(NSInteger, MyAnimal) {

Wouldn't it be faster and/or smaller to have a static dictionary? Something like:

static NSDictionary *animalsAndNames = @{@{MyAnimalCat} : @"my_animal_cat",
                                         @{MyAnimalDog} : @"my_animal_dog",
                                         @{MyAnimalFish} : @"my_animal_fish"};

The difference is small, but I'm trying to optimize the binary size and speed, which makes me inclined toward the latter.

Thanks for helping clarify.


  • Answer

    The dictionary should be faster for a large amount of cases. A dictionary is a hashmap, which grants O(1) lookup. A switch statement, on the other hand, will have to go through all entries thus requiring ϴ(n) time.

    A quick explanation of big O/ϴ/Ω notation

    Big-O notation is used to give an asymptotic upper bound to a particular function. That is, f(n) = O(g(n)) means that f(n) does not grow faster than g(n) as n goes to infinity (up to a constant). Similarly, big Ω denotes a lower bound. Therefore, the function f(n)=n+3 is both in Ω(1) and O(n^4), which is not very useful.

    Big ϴ, then, denotes a strict bound. If f(n) = O(g(n)) and f(n) = Ω(g(n)) then also f(n) = ϴ(g(n)).

    Often using big O suffices, as it makes no sense to advertise a linear algorithm as being in O(n^3), even though it is technically correct. In the case above however the emphasis is on the relative slowness of the switch case, which big O cannot correctly express, hence the usage of ϴ/Ω.

    (However, I'm not sure sacrificing readability for correctness was the right choice.)