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Time Complexity of Backtracking solution - Leetcode 473. Matchsticks to Square

The following is a Leetcode problem: 473. Matchsticks to Square (

Problem Statement

You have an array, matchsticks, of size n, with different matchstick lengths. You want to create a square using all the matchsticks, without breaking them. If you can, return true. If you can't, return false.

Example 1:

  • Input: matchsticks = [1,1,2,2,2]

  • Output: true

  • Explanation: You can form a square with length 2, one side of the square came two sticks with length 1.

Example 2:

  • Input: matchsticks = [3,3,3,3,4]

  • Output: false

  • Explanation: You cannot find a way to form a square with all the matchsticks.


  • 1 <= n <= 15

  • 1 <= matchsticks[i] <= 10^8

I have seen O(4^n) and O(n*2^n) solutions to this problem. I have solved the problem differently through a solution that I haven't seen anywhere else, and I am not sure what its time complexity is. I will explain the solution with the example matchsticks = [4, 4, 4, 3, 1] -> sideLength = 4. I solved it in C++. The code is at the end:

My solution: For each side, iterate through the matchsticks array, and for each matchstick explore both decisions: add it to the current side, and not add it to the current side. Once a side is complete, move on to the next side, starting the iteration over the matchsticks array from the beginning (i=0). Since there are two decisions per element, I was initially tempted to say that the time complexity is O(2^n). The height of the entire tree is not really n, but the height of individual subtrees is, at most. I am a bit confused here. How does one go about determining the time complexity of such a backtracking solution? enter image description here


class Solution {
    bool makesquare(const std::vector<int>& matchsticks) {
        int sum = 0;
        for(int m : matchsticks)
            sum += m;

        if(sum % 4 != 0)
            return false;

        int sideLength = sum / 4;
        std::vector<bool> available(matchsticks.size(), true);
        return dfs(matchsticks, sideLength, 0, 0, available, 4);

    bool dfs(const std::vector<int>& matchsticks, int sideLength, int currSideLength, int i, std::vector<bool>& available, int numRemainingSides) {
        if(currSideLength == sideLength) {
            currSideLength = 0;
            numRemainingSides --;
            i = 0;  // restart choice of matches
            if(numRemainingSides == 0)
                return true;
        if(i == matchsticks.size())
            return false;

        if(available[i]) {
            // take current matchstick for the current side
            available[i] = false;
            if(dfs(matchsticks, sideLength, currSideLength + matchsticks[i], i+1, available, numRemainingSides))
                return true;
            // do not take the current matchstick for the current side
            available[i] = true;
        if(dfs(matchsticks, sideLength, currSideLength, i+1, available, numRemainingSides))
            return true;

        return false;


  • This is a complicated algorithm to analyze because each time you see an element, you make a binary choice. But then you can see the same element potentially up to 3 times. Which gives a trivial upper bound of O(8^n). However if you think about it, you'll see that we've really divided up the question of making 4 possible choices over 3 passes. If we didn't evaluate after the first or second passes, but only at the end of the third, we'd wind up with 4^n combinations, which would take O(4^n) work.

    The question therefore becomes, how much do we gain by not continuing on if we fail to make our first or second edges work out?

    We can gain some intuition from the central limit theorem. Suppose that n is a multiple of 4. How many ways are there of taking a set of n things and dividing it into two piles of equal size? The answer is O(2^n / sqrt(n)). And then how many ways are there of dividing first pile again into two piles of equal size? The answer is O(2^(n/2) / sqrt(n)). So if we went by counts of edges rather than sizes, we'd expect there to be O(2^(3/2 n) / n) to do the first two passes that require us to do the O(2^(n/2)) work to do the third pass. Resulting in O(4^n / n) work.

    I believe, but cannot prove that this is the worst case. However I can produce a family of adversarial inputs for which solving your problem looks very much like that simpler one, and demonstrate that you can't do better than that back of the envelope.

    My example is the following family of adversarial inputs:

    [3, 4, 4, 5, 14, 15, 17, 18]
    [3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 30, 31, 33, 34]
    [3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 46, 47, 49, 50]

    And in general the kth will contain a 3, then 4 repeated 2k-2 times. And then 16k-2, 16k-1, 16k+1, 16k+2.

    This sums to 80k. You will be attempting to make sides of length 20k. This can be done with the 3, the 16k+1, and any k-1 of the 4 elements. It can also be done with the 5, the 16k-1, and any k-1 of the 4 elements. It cannot be done in any other way because as soon as you add the 16k-2 or 16k+2 edges you wind up with something with a remainder of 2 when you divide by 4. There is no way to get rid of that remainder other than to put the other one in, but then you get a side of length 32k, which is too long.

    n is, of course, 4k+4. Because we have 4k-2 4's, a 3, a 5, and then 4 large elements.

    What happens when we put these adversarial inputs in to your algorithm?

    The first pass takes O(2^n) as expected. (I will use k where I have to, and n whenever it is convenient.) We really don't hit 20k unless we've decided to include two of the final 4 elements.

    Exactly 2 (4k-2 choose k-1) times, we finished the first pass perfectly, and try the second pass. Each time we do, we have 3/4 of the elements. And that takes O(2^(3/4 n)). For each one, the second pass succeeds (3k-1 choose k-1) times.

    For each of those successful first then second passes, we do a third pass. Each third pass then takes O(2^(n/2)).

    The giant question is how many of those choose's do we get. Because it is a large number, I'm going to switch to logarithms.

    log((first pass #) * (second pass #))
      = log((4k-2 choose k-1) * (3k-1 choose k-1))
      = log((4k-2)! / (k-1)! / (3k-1)!)
        + log((3k-1)! / (k-1)! / (2k)!)
      = log((4k-2)!) - log((k-1)!) - log((3k-1)!)
        + log((3k-1)!) - log((k-1)!) - log((2k)!)
      = log((4k-2)!) - 2 log((k-1)!) - log((2k)!)

    Now we can pull out Stirling's Approximation.

    log(m!) = m log(m) - m + 1/2 log(2πm) + O(1/m)

    And so

    log((first pass #) * (second pass #))
      = log((4k-2)!) - 2 log((k-1)!) - log((2k)!)
      = (4k-2) log(4k-2) - (4k-2) + 1/2 log(2π (4k-2))
        - 2( (k-1) log(k-1) - (k-1) + 1/2 log(2π (k-1)) )
        - ( (2k) log(2k) - 2k + 1/2 log(2π (2k)) )
        + O(1/k)

    Now let's let O(1) errors pass. So m log(m + O(1)) can be replaced with m log(m), (m + O(1)) can be replaced with m, and 1/2 log(O(1) m) can be replaced with 1/2 log(m)...

      = (4k-2) log(4k) - 4k + 1/2 log(k)
        - 2 ( (k-1) log(k) - k + 1/2 log(k) )
        - ( (2k) log(2k) - 2k + 1/2 log(k) )
        + O(1)
      = (4k-2) log(4k)  - 4k + 1/2 log(k)
        - (2k-2) log(k) + 2k - log(k)
        - (2k) log(2k)  + 2k - 1/2 log(k)
        + O(1)
      = (4k-2) (2 log(2) + log(k))
        - (2k-2) log(k)
        - (2k) (log(2) + log(k))
        - log(k) + O(1)
      = 8k log(2) + 4k log(k) - 2 log(k)
        - 2k log(k) + 2 log(k)
        - 2k log(2) - 2k log(k)
        - log(k) + O(1)

    And now gather like terms. The k log(2) have 8 - 2 = 6. The k log(k) have 4 - 2 - 2 = 0. And the log(k) have -2 + 2 - 1 = -1. So we get

      = 6k log(2) - log(k) + O(1)
      = log(2^(6k) / k) + O(1)

    So the number of combinations of first and second passes is (undoing the logs), O(2^(6k) / k). Remember that n = 4k + 4 and so O(2^(6k) / k) = O(2^(3/2 n) / n). Then for each of those we do another O(2^(n/2)) work on the third pass, resulting in a total of O(2^(2n) / n) = O(4^n / n) work.

    I'll happily give rep for anyone who can fix my heuristic into a proof that the worst case can't be worse than that.