I have my project setup like this:
Main Camera
Blocking Mask: Nothing
2 Objects setup:
Sprite Renderer
Rigidbody 2D
Circle Collider 2D
(my GO script)
(my UI script)
In both my GO and UI script, I add OnPointerEnter event. and both work fine on their own. I can receive OnPointerEnter event.
But when I use a joint to drag a GO object and move to top of the UI object. My UI object OnPointerEnter blocked by the GO. I cannot receive the UI OnPointerEnter event.
I search on web and everybody ask for blocking raycast on GO to UI. But I need the reverse, I want both GO and UI receive OnPointerEnter event no matter if they overlap or not. Any hints?
P.S. something like this in 2D version, GameObject block UI Object. But I still want to receive UI Object OnPointerEnter.
Finally get what I want. Now I have 2 solutions:
1. using OnTriggerEnter2D
2. turn off Physics2DRaycaster LayerMask GO when dragging GO
use this code:
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
public void turnOffLayerMask(string layerMaskName)
Physics2DRaycaster p2drc = Camera.main.GetComponent();
LayerMask layerMask = p2drc.eventMask;
LayerMask disableLayerMask = 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer(layerMaskName);
p2drc.eventMask = layerMask & ~disableLayerMask;
public void turnOnLayerMask(string layerMaskName)
Physics2DRaycaster p2drc = Camera.main.GetComponent();
LayerMask layerMask = p2drc.eventMask;
LayerMask enableLayerMask = 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer(layerMaskName);
p2drc.eventMask = layerMask | enableLayerMask;
turn off GO layerMask when dragging GO. Turn On back when drag end. The raycast can go through GO to UI and receive OnPointerXXX events.
I think the EventSystem auto. choose EITHER Physical raycast or Graphic raycast to detect GO/UI objects. So you can only receive either one set of event(Non-UI/ UI). Is it correct? It seems that I search on web and many people using OnMouseXXX (or other method) instead of Event system(i.e. OnPointerXXX). So they can "touch through" GO to UI.