I keep getting segmentation faults on this could anybody help me on this one, I am kind of new to ASM
global _start
section .text
push dword 0x0068732F ; Push /sh
push dword 0x6E69622F ; Push /bin
mov eax, esp ; Store Pointer To /bin/sh In EAX
push dword 0x0000632D ; Push -c
mov ebx, esp ; Store Pointer To -c In EBX
push dword 0x00000068 ; Push h
push dword 0x7361622F ; Push /bas
push dword 0x6E69622F ; Push /bin
mov ecx, esp ; Store Pointer To /bin/bash In ECX
push dword 0x0 ; NULL
push ecx ; Push /bin/bash Pointer
push ebx ; Push -c Pointer
push eax ; Push /bin/sh Pointer
mov ebx, eax ; Move /bin/sh Pointer To EAX
mov ecx, esp ; Store /bin/sh -c /bin/bash Pointer in ECX
xor edx, edx ; Store 0 In EDX
mov al, 0xb ; sys_execve
int 0x80 ; system call
I am trying to replicate the following
char* Args[] = { "/bin/sh", "-c", "/bin/bash" };
execve("/bin/sh", Args, NULL)
Thanks in advance
As pointed out in the comments the arguments need to be NULL terminated.
Also mov al, 0xb
only sets the lower 8 bits of the (32 bit) eax
Earlier on you also loaded an address from the stack into eax mov eax, esp
and since the stack grows down, the value stored in eax
will be much closer to 0xFFFFFFFF
that it is to 0
. When you later mov al, 0xb
you only substitute the last F
and eax
needs to be exactly 0xb
Thus you need to either move the value to whole eax
register or make sure its upper 24 bits are zeroed beforehand - for example by doing xor eax, eax
global _start
section .text
push dword 0x0068732F ; Push /sh
push dword 0x6E69622F ; Push /bin
mov eax, esp ; Store Pointer To /bin/sh In EAX
push dword 0x0000632D ; Push -c
mov ebx, esp ; Store Pointer To -c In EBX
push dword 0x00000068 ; Push h
push dword 0x7361622F ; Push /bas
push dword 0x6E69622F ; Push /bin
mov ecx, esp ; Store Pointer To /bin/bash In ECX
push 0 ; <----- NULL args terminator
push ecx ; Push /bin/bash Pointer
push ebx ; Push -c Pointer
push eax ; Push /bin/sh Pointer
mov ebx, eax ; Move /bin/sh Pointer To EAX
mov ecx, esp ; Store /bin/sh -c /bin/bash Pointer in ECX
xor edx, edx ; Store 0 In EDX
;xor eax, eax ; <----- either xor eax, eax or mov into eax
mov eax, 11 ; sys_execve
int 0x80 ; system call