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How to tint peek&pop custom actions?

When pick&pop view is presented, custom actions (UIPreviewAction objects) are shown in default iOS blue color. Is there any way they can be tinted in different color?


  • For iOS 11, what seems to work is adding in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:

    UIApplication.sharedApplication.delegate.window.tintColor = MY_COLOR

    I'm not sure if the same approach would work for pre-iOS11 versions, but here is what worked for me for pre-iOS11:

    in viewWillAppear method of a preview controller (viewController which implements previewActionItems method add:

    - (void) viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated
        [super viewWillAppear:animated];
        UIView* container = [self.view superviewOfClass:NSClassFromString(@"_UIVisualEffectContentView")];
        container.tintColor = YOUR_COLOR;

    The superviewOfClass method is implemented in UIView+MyUtils category:

    - (UIView*) superviewOfClass:(Class)c
        UIView* parent = self;
        while ((parent = parent.superview))
            if ([parent isKindOfClass:c])
                return parent;
        return nil;