I am trying to accomplish below with PowerQuery M
1) Open a set of files (located in a folder on a shared drive)
2) Get the data in a sheet called "BC Ongoing Projects"
3) Rearrange the data (mainly unpivot a set of columns (column name changes for each file) 4) Append them under each other
I have tried with below code, but it gives me an error "The name 'ReOrganizedTable' wasn't recognized. Make sure it is spelled correct."
//Get data from file in folder
Source = Folder.Files(Link_StaffDataLocation),
#"Get the files" = Table.SelectRows(Source, each [Extension] = ".csv" or [Extension] = ".txt" or Text.StartsWith([Extension], ".xls")),
#"Removed Columns" = Table.RemoveColumns(#"Get the files",{"Date accessed", "Date modified", "Date created", "Attributes", "Folder Path"}),
GetExcelContentIntoColumn = Table.AddColumn(#"Removed Columns", "Custom", each if Text.StartsWith([Extension], ".xls") then Excel.Workbook( [Content]) else null),
ExpandContent = Table.ExpandTableColumn(GetExcelContentIntoColumn, "Custom", {"Name", "Data", "Kind"}, {"Custom.Name", "Custom.Data", "Custom.Kind"}),
#"Filtered Rows" = Table.SelectRows(ExpandContent, each ([Custom.Name] = "BC Ongoing Projects") ),
//Create files name list
FileNameListStep1 = Table.Column(#"Filtered Rows","Name"),
FileNameListStep2 = List.Skip(FileNameListStep1,1),
//Filter on first filename
IterationFunction = (IterationList) =>
CurrentFilenameList = List.Skip(IterationList,1),
CurrentFilename = CurrentFilenameList{0},
FilterOneDataSetAtATime = Table.SelectRows(#"Filtered Rows", each ([Name] = CurrentFilename)),
// Make necessary adjustments to data
#"Custom Data1" = #"Filtered Rows"{0}[Custom.Data],
#"Filtered Rows1" = Table.SelectRows(#"Custom Data1", each ([Column1] <> null and [Column1] <> "BC Ongoing Projects" and [Column1] <> "Filters Used To Select These Practitioners:" and [Column1] <> "Pract" and [Column1] <> "Scheduled Hours" and [Column1] <> "Total:")),
#"Removed Columns1" = Table.RemoveColumns(#"Filtered Rows1",{"Column5"}),
#"Replaced Value_DK" = Table.ReplaceValue(#"Removed Columns1","DK","",Replacer.ReplaceText,{"Column4"}),
#"Replaced Value_SE" = Table.ReplaceValue(#"Replaced Value_DK","SE","",Replacer.ReplaceText,{"Column4"}),
#"Replaced Value" = Table.ReplaceValue(#"Replaced Value_SE",null,0,Replacer.ReplaceValue,{"Column6", "Column7", "Column8", "Column9", "Column10", "Column11", "Column12", "Column13", "Column14", "Column15", "Column16", "Column17"}),
#"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Replaced Value",{{"Column6", type text}, {"Column7", type text}, {"Column8", type text}, {"Column9", type text}, {"Column10", type text}, {"Column11", type text}, {"Column12", type text}, {"Column13", type text}, {"Column14", type text}, {"Column15", type text}, {"Column16", type text}, {"Column17", type text}}),
#"Promoted Headers" = Table.PromoteHeaders(#"Changed Type"),
//Create List of week dates
MondayInWeekStep1 = Table.ColumnNames(#"Promoted Headers"),
MondayInWeekStep2 = List.Skip(MondayInWeekStep1,4),
#"Unpivoted Columns" = Table.UnpivotOtherColumns(#"Promoted Headers", {"Name", "Client", "Type", "Key"}, "MondayInWeek", "Staff Hours"),
ReOrganizedTable = Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Unpivoted Columns",{{"MondayInWeek", type date}, {"Staff Hours", Int64.Type}})
AppendTablesTogether = Table.Combine(ReOrganizedTable,IterationFunction(CurrentFilenameList))
Very much appreciate amny help you can give me
BR Jonas
only exists in the IterationFunction
you defined. You probably want to do the following:
step to the line before IterationFunction
to take in CurrentFilename
instead of IterationList
. In other words, remove the CurrentFilename
step in IterationFunction
and change (IterationList) =>
to (CurrentFilename) =>
to build a list of tables, then convert that list to a table. The List.Transform
part should do something like List.Transform(FileNameListStep2, (filename) => IterationFunction(filename))