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How can I bind constructor parameter to a instance field?

Is it possible create new final field on a class and create a constructor with parameter that is set to that final field on class instantiation? I tried several approaches and searched for answers but found no example how to do it.

What I have now:

Class proxyClass = new ByteBuddy().subclass(Object.class).implement((Type[]) interfaces)
                        .defineField("dispatcherInvocationHandler", ByteBuddyDispatcherInvocationHandler.class, Modifier.PRIVATE + Modifier.FINAL)
                        .intercept(MethodCall.invokeSuper().andThen(/* copy argument to field */))

I don't want to make field public and I don't want to create property with setter / getter to that field. I'd like to end up with something like:

public class DontCare {
    private final ByteBuddyDispatcherInvocationHandler dispatcherInvocationHandler;

    public DontCare(ByteBuddyDispatcherInvocationHandler arg) {
       this.dispatcherInvocationHandler = arg;

Is there any simple way how to do this?

Updated 31.10.2016

Finally I got it working with the help of Rafael and 1.5.2 version of the ByteBuddy library. Working code is this:

Class proxyClass = new ByteBuddy().subclass(Object.class).implement((Type[]) interfaces)
                        .defineField("dispatcherInvocationHandler", ByteBuddyDispatcherInvocationHandler.class, Modifier.PRIVATE + Modifier.FINAL)


  • Unfortunately, there is no good way in the moment. I did however take this as an inspiration to refactor the FieldAccessor implementation which now allows you to do the following:

              Visibility.PRIVATE, FieldManifestation.FINAL)
           .intercept(MethodCall.invokeSuper() // Given such a constructor exists

    When you define such an explicit setter, the instrumentation also becomes chainable by itself. You can therefore set multiple fields such as:


    With the above implementation, a constructor (or any method) would be implemented similar to:

    class Sample {
      Object foo, bar;
      Sample(Object a1, Object a2) {
        foo = a1;
        bar = a2;

    This additional API is released with Byte Buddy 1.5.2.