Here is my EventAttendee Object.
const EventAttendee = new GraphQLInputObjectType({
name: 'EventAttendee',
fields: () => ({
attendeeName: {type: GraphQLString},
personalizedDateSelection: {type: new GraphQLInputObjectType()}
The personalizedDateSelection property is an dynamic one and its properties are not known now. So, In this case, I have given GraphQLInputObjectType().
But it gives an error stating EventAttendee.personalizedDateSelection field type must be Output Type.
How to define an ObjectType whose properties are not known ?
I wanted personalizedDateSelection property of EventAttendee to be of objectType but I dont know those properties in advance, but I am sure that it is of Object type.
So declaring this as GraphQLScalarType was the correct way to do it. Check out about GraphQLScalarType. But we need to create a custom scalar type. All scalar types can be of input type. So here is my implementation:
const PersonalizedDateSelection = new GraphQLScalarType({
name: 'PersonalizedDateSelection',
serialize: value => {
return value;
parseValue: value => {
return value;
parseLiteral: ast => {
console.log("coming in parseLiteral");
let value = {};
if (ast.kind !== Kind.OBJECT) {
throw new GraphQLError("Query error: Can only parse object but got a: " + ast.kind, [ast]);
ast.fields.forEach(field => {
value[] = parseJSONLiteral(field.value);
return value;