ERROR [42000] [IBM][System i Access ODBC Driver][DB2 for i5/OS]SQL0104 - Token ( was not valid. Valid tokens: FOR USE SKIP WAIT WITH FETCH ORDER UNION EXCEPT OPTIMIZE.
This is My Code, I want to display the Table Records to Data Grid View in VB from AS400
Sub ShowAS400()
Call takeconnectionas400()
adapter = New OdbcDataAdapter("select * from PYLEAVE (PTMIFLIB)", conn)
ds = New DataSet
adapter.Fill(ds, "PYLEAVE (PTMIFLIB)")
DGVAS400.DataSource = ds.Tables("PYLEAVE (PTMIFLIB)")
DGVAS400.ReadOnly = True
End Sub
try to modify your query like this
select * from PTMIFLIB.PYLEAVE
or like this
select * from PTMIFLIB/PYLEAVE