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Phinx transaction doesn't work

Trying to figure out how transaction works at phinx package. Here is my migration code and it doesn't work. I use mysql and everything is ok with phinx.yml. So table acme is created while table fail fails and no records are found in phinxlog table. So, when I ran phinx migrate I've error SQLSTATE[42S01]: Base table or view already exists: 1050 Table 'acme' already exists. So, how can I use transactions? I didn't find any docs about it, Help me please))

public function up()
    $this->table('acme')->addColumn('name', 'string')->create();
    $this->table('fail')->addColumn('lal', 'failme')->create();


  • Transactions only apply to data (DML) changes with mysql. You cannot 'transact' data definition changes (DDL).

    But other DBs can (under certain conditions).

    Is it possible to roll back CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE statements in major SQL databases?