I'm new to Swift, and I'd like to know if the language has some equivalent to Python's decorator pattern.
For example:
import functools
def announce(func):
"""Print a function's arguments and return value as it's called."""
def announced_func(*args, **kwargs):
rv = func(*args, **kwargs)
print('In: {0}, {1}'.format(args, kwargs))
print('Out: {}'.format(rv))
return rv
return announced_func
@announce # add = announce(add)
def add(a, b):
return a + b
add(2, 5)
# In: (2, 5), {}
# Out: 7
# 7
Perhaps I just haven't found it yet, but Swift doesn't seem to have a way to forward arbitrary arguments to functions or to preserve a wrapped function's information (as functools.wraps does).
Is there an equivalent, or is the pattern not meant to be used in Swift?
You can use this:
func decorate<T, U>(_ function: @escaping (T) -> U, decoration: @escaping (T, U) -> U) -> (T) -> U {
return { args in
decoration(args, function(args))
let add: (Int, Int) -> Int = decorate(+) { args, rv in
print("In: \(args)")
print("Out: \(rv)")
return rv
add(2, 5) // In: (2, 5)\nOut: 7
Or announce
as function instead of closure, allowing reuse:
func announce<T, U>(input args: T, output rv: U) -> U {
print("In: \(args)")
print("Out: \(rv)")
return rv
let add: (Int, Int) -> Int = decorate(+, decoration: announce)
add(2, 5) // In: (2, 5)\nOut: 7
let length = decorate({(str: String) in str.characters.count }, decoration: announce)
length("Hello world!") // In: Hello world!\nOut: 12