I am currently learning iOS development using Swift. I am making a simple weather app. I have several buttons to get the weather for the next 4 hours. I am getting the weather from the dark sky API, returned in JSON format. I have finally figured out how to retrieve the correct data from the JSON, and have created a class that fetches the data.
typealias WeatherCallback = (Weather) -> Void
typealias ErrorCallback = (Error) -> Void
class NetworkManager {
class func getWeather(latitude: String, longitude: String, onSuccess: WeatherCallback? = nil, onError: ErrorCallback? = nil) {
let urlString = "https://api.darksky.net/forecast/(api key)/" + latitude + "," + longitude + "?units=si"
let url = URL(string: urlString)
URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url!) { (data, response, error) in
if error != nil {
} else {
do {
let json = JSON(data: data!)
let weather = Weather()
DispatchQueue.main.async {
weather.updateWithJSON(dict: json["currently"], hour: 0)
for i in 1...4 {
weather.updateWithJSON(dict: json["hourly"]["data"][i], hour: i)
And I have a different class to store the retrieved data.
class Weather {
public var currentTime: String = ""
public var currentTemperature: String = ""
public var nextHourTime: String = ""
public var nextHourTemperature: String = ""
public var nextTwoHourTime: String = ""
public var nextTwoHourTemperature: String = ""
public var nextThreeHourTime: String = ""
public var nextThreeHourTemperature: String = ""
public var nextFourHourTime: String = ""
public var nextFourHourTemperature: String = ""
func updateCurrentData(time: String, temp: String) {
currentTime = time
currentTemperature = temp
func updateWithJSON(dict: JSON, hour: Int){
switch hour {
case 0:
currentTime = dict["time"].stringValue
currentTemperature = dict["temperature"].stringValue
case 1:
nextHourTime = dict["time"].stringValue
nextHourTemperature = dict["temperature"].stringValue
case 2:
nextTwoHourTime = dict["time"].stringValue
nextTwoHourTemperature = dict["temperature"].stringValue
case 3:
nextThreeHourTime = dict["time"].stringValue
nextThreeHourTemperature = dict["temperature"].stringValue
case 4:
nextFourHourTime = dict["time"].stringValue
nextFourHourTemperature = dict["temperature"].stringValue
My problem is, I cannot access the stored values in the class Weather
from within ViewController
For example
let weather = Weather() print(weather.currentTime)
Any help in pointing me in the right direction would be awesome!
You can do it by creating Weather
class Singleton
. Using singleton Only one copy of this object exists and the state is shared and reachable by any other object.
class Weather {
public static var sharedInstance = Weather()
private init() {
and get object of singleton like this
let weather = Weather.sharedInstance // it will give you the same instance of Weather every time you call it.