Search code examples

JSON iOS not parsing

I am very new to the site and iOS, JSON itself and ran into an error which I couldn't resolve. I was parsing a nested JSON string using structs and codable but gave, me a thread error but compiled just fine.

Below is the JSON string:

let jsonString = """
"status": "success",
"data": {
"deliveryBoyConfig": {
"id": "1079",
"fname": "Anish",
"lname": "mix",
"country_code": "+91",
"mobile": "9999043499",
"email": "",
"address": "delhi INDIA",
"userid": "9",
"imei_number": "357729053845270",
"last_update": null,
"post_id": null,
"capacity": null,
"geo_latitude": "29",
"geo_longitude": "77.1545846",
"geo_radius": "500",
"insert_datetime": "2018-02-03 08:01:26",
"update_datetime": null,
"orig_id": "1079",
"is_otp": "0",
"img_path": null,
"device_token": null,
"flag": null,
"osVersion": null,
"appVersion": null,
"latitude": "28.7039558",
"longitude": "77.1591989",
"timestamp": "1466845730469",
"duty_status": "1",
"battery": "0.49000000953674316",
"charging": "0",
"speed": "0",
"distance": "0",
"geofence_id": null,
"monthly_fix_earning": "0",
"daily_fix_earning": "0",
"reimbursement_per_km": "0",
"monthly_revenue_target": "0",
"monthly_task_target": "0",
"monthly_carrying_capacity": "0",
"emp_is_active": "1",
"emp_used_leaves": 365,
"emp_remaining_leaves": -365,
"emp_total_leaves": "0"
"id": "9",
"companyname": "Roadcast",
"custom_logo": "",
"latitude": "28.7040795",
"longitude": "77.1591007",
"google_address": "RoadCast, Shaheed Udham Singh Marg, Shalimar Bagh, Delhi, India",
"timezone": "Asia/Kolkata",
"rc_users_id": "9",
"is_callback": "1",
"url_callback_base": "64456",
"url_callback_accept": "646546",
"url_callback_dispatch": "6567778",
"url_callback_complete": "7979897",
"url_callback_tracking": "987757b",
"url_callback_reject": "7567546758b",
"url_key_name": "usudfsdfsdf",
"url_key": "2323",
"notes": "7667",
"url_auth_key": "5666",
"sms_dispatch": "1",
"m_complete_popup": "ROADCAST",
"is_cash_inhand_auto_approve": "0",
"deliv_proof_compulsory": "1",
"cash_inhand_proof": "1",
"allow_cancel_from_app": "1",
"hide_pickup_amt": "0",
"auto_attendance": "0",
"auto_attendance_in": "IN",
"auto_attendance_out": "OUT",
"battery_optimization": "24",
"ttf_report": "1",
"ttf_for_dispatch": "1",
"ttf_time": "5",
"web_location": "1",
"kpi_attendance_in": "00:00:00",
"kpi_attendance_out": "00:00:00",
"kpi_duty_hours": "",
"kpi_distance_per_day": null,
"kpi_min_kms": null,
"kpi_max_idle_time": null,
"kpi_within_geofence": "0",
"kpi_outside_geofence": "0",
"kpi_min_orders": "10",
"kpi_max_orders": "10",
"kpi_def_deliv_time": null,
"kpi_delayed_orders": null,
"emp_limit": "5",
"shift_max_hours": "103",
"reset_shift_after": "2",
"shift_enable": "0",
"url_header_api_key_name": null,
"url_header_api_key": null,
"default_order_type": "D",
"extra_order_fields": "1",
"ord_fields_json": "[]",
"show_unique_fields": "1",
"show_stores": "0",
"currency": "INR",
"pod_upload_limit": "10",
"order_fields_names": "{\"pickupcheckbox\":0,\"deliverycheckbox\":0,\"additems\":\"ADD ITEMS\",\"delivery\":\"delivery\",\"pickup\":\"PICK-UP\",\"both\":\"Both\",\"additionalnotes\":\"Additional notes\",\"orderNumber\":\"Order No\",\"billAmount\":\"Bill amount\",\"orderType\":\"Order type\",\"custNameDeliv\":\"Customer name\",\"custMobileDeliv\":\"Customer Mobile\",\"custAddDeliv\":\"Customer address\",\"custAddDelivGgl\":\"Customer address Google\",\"paymentReceivedDeliv\":\"Payment received\",\"assignTo\":\"Assign order to\",\"custMobilePickup\":\"Customer Mobile\",\"custAddPickup\":\"Customer address\",\"custAddPickupGgl\":\"Customer address Google\",\"paymentReceivedPickup\":\"Payment received\",\"custNamePickup\":\"Customer name\",\"delivery_time\":\"Delivery time\",\"pickup_time\":\"Pick time\",\"deliver_by\":\"Deliver by\",\"pickup_by\":\"Pickup by\",\"assigned_at\":\"Assigned at\",\"dispatch_order_pickup\":\"Dispatch Order\",\"collect_payment_pickup\":\"Collect Payment\",\"incomplete_task_pickup\":\"Complete Delivery\",\"dispatch_order_delivery\":\"Dispatch Order\",\"collect_payment_delivery\":\"Collect Payment\",\"incomplete_task_delivery\":\"Complete Delivery\",\"order_progress_dispatch\":\"Dispatch\",\"order_progress_completed\":\"Completed\",\"order_progress_pickup_completed\":\"Completed\",\"order_progress_accepted\":\"Accepted\",\"select_customer\":\"Select Customer\",\"dispatch_completed_delivery\":\"Dispatch completed delivery\",\"dispatch_completed_pickup\":\"Dispatch completed pickup\",\"payment_completed_delivery\":\"Payment completed delivery\",\"payment_completed_pickup\":\"Dispatch completed pickup\",\"task_completed_delivery\":\"Task completed delivery\",\"task_completed_pickup\":\"Task completed delivery\",\"default_dispatch_pickup\":\"Default dispatch pickup\"}",
"page_access_settings": "[{\"id\":9,\"priv\":[0,1]},{\"id\":766,\"priv\":[0,1]}]",
"marker_input_field": "{\"name\":\"\",\"type\":\"dropdown\",\"options\":[{\"name\":\"sdf\",\"color\":\"#0F9595\"}]}",
"auto_gen_ord_no": "0",
"auto_gen_ord_prefix": "RC",
"is_payment_available": "1",
"show_create_order": "1",
"duty_config": "1",
"tracking_type": "0",
"interval_tracking_time": "10",
"sms_comp_name": "ssdf",
"sms_callcenter_no": "2323233232",
"uniqueCompanyName": "bbbbbbb",
"auto_complete_ord": "0",
"auto_complete_ord_val": "{\"time\":\"1\",\"accepted\":0,\"unassigned\":0,\"notaccepted\":0,\"all\":0}",
"auto_dispatch_ord": "0",
"auto_dispatch_time": "1",
"enable_idle_time": "0",
"idle_time_val": "1",
"show_sales_management": "1",
"expense_types": "[]",
"sales_task_prefix": "task1234",
"show_distance_module": "1",
"auto_complete_stask": "0",
"auto_complete_stask_val": "1",
"create_stask_backdate": "1",
"create_stask_backdate_val": "1",
"route_plan_visibility_val": "1",
"route_plan_visibility_type": "M",
"route_plan_is_freeze": "1",
"holiday_calendar_type": "",
"holiday_max_in_late_status": "0",
"holiday_max_in_late_value": "04:30",
"holiday_max_in_half_status": "0",
"holiday_max_in_half_value": "05:00",
"holiday_max_out_status": "0",
"holiday_max_out_value": "15:30",
"holiday_min_hours_status": "0",
"holiday_min_hours_value": "5",
"holiday_approval_date_limit_status": "0",
"holiday_approval_date_limit_value": "1",
"holiday_approval_required_status": "0",
"leave_types": "[\"Privilege leave\",\"Casual Leave\",\"Travel Leave\",\"medical leave\"]",
"enable_leave_types": "0",
"holiday_weekend": "[\"sunday\"]",
"emp_total_leaves": "0",
"late_equi_half_status": "0",
"late_equi_half_value": "2",
"transport_mode_input_field": "{\"name\":\"Transport Mode\",\"type\":\"text\"}",
"show_custom_form": "1",
"enable_receipt_sharing": "1",
"customer_types": "[\"Customer\",\"Buyer\",\"Seller\",\"seller2\",\"customer\",\"Test\",\"Retailer\"]"
"message": "OK"

Below is the structs I am using:

class JSONNull: Codable, Hashable {

public static func == (lhs: JSONNull, rhs: JSONNull) -> Bool {
    return true

public var hashValue: Int {
    return 0

public init() {}

public required init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
    let container = try decoder.singleValueContainer()
    if !container.decodeNil() {
        throw DecodingError.typeMismatch(JSONNull.self, DecodingError.Context(codingPath: decoder.codingPath, debugDescription: "Wrong type for JSONNull"))

public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
    var container = encoder.singleValueContainer()
    try container.encodeNil()

struct Welcome: Codable {
    let status: String
    let data: DataClass
    let message: String

struct DataClass: Codable {
    let deliveryBoyConfig: DeliveryBoyConfig
    let userConfig: [String: String?]

struct DeliveryBoyConfig: Codable {
    let id, fname, lname, countryCode: String
    let mobile, email, address, userid: String
    let imeiNumber: String
    let lastUpdate, postID, capacity: JSONNull?
    let geoLatitude, geoLongitude, geoRadius, insertDatetime: String
    let updateDatetime: JSONNull?
    let origID, isOtp: String
    let imgPath, deviceToken, flag, osVersion: JSONNull?
    let appVersion: JSONNull?
    let latitude, longitude, timestamp, dutyStatus: String
    let battery, charging, speed, distance: String
    let geofenceID: JSONNull?
    let monthlyFixEarning, dailyFixEarning, reimbursementPerKM, monthlyRevenueTarget: String
    let monthlyTaskTarget, monthlyCarryingCapacity, empIsActive: String
    let empUsedLeaves, empRemainingLeaves: Int
    let empTotalLeaves: String
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case id, fname, lname
        case countryCode = "country_code"
        case mobile, email, address, userid
        case imeiNumber = "imei_number"
        case lastUpdate = "last_update"
        case postID = "post_id"
        case capacity
        case geoLatitude = "geo_latitude"
        case geoLongitude = "geo_longitude"
        case geoRadius = "geo_radius"
        case insertDatetime = "insert_datetime"
        case updateDatetime = "update_datetime"
        case origID = "orig_id"
        case isOtp = "is_otp"
        case imgPath = "img_path"
        case deviceToken = "device_token"
        case flag, osVersion, appVersion, latitude, longitude, timestamp
        case dutyStatus = "duty_status"
        case battery, charging, speed, distance
        case geofenceID = "geofence_id"
        case monthlyFixEarning = "monthly_fix_earning"
        case dailyFixEarning = "daily_fix_earning"
        case reimbursementPerKM = "reimbursement_per_km"
        case monthlyRevenueTarget = "monthly_revenue_target"
        case monthlyTaskTarget = "monthly_task_target"
        case monthlyCarryingCapacity = "monthly_carrying_capacity"
        case empIsActive = "emp_is_active"
        case empUsedLeaves = "emp_used_leaves"
        case empRemainingLeaves = "emp_remaining_leaves"
        case empTotalLeaves = "emp_total_leaves"

and I parse it using the method below:

 func jsonOne(){
    let jsonData = Data(jsonString.utf8)
    let decoder = JSONDecoder()
    decoder.keyDecodingStrategy = .convertFromSnakeCase
    let encoder = JSONEncoder()
    let habla = try! decoder.decode(Welcome.self, from : jsonData)
        let x = ; print(x)
        let y  = ; print(y)
    } catch{  print("bad json")  }


  • You can use below code to parse your JSON with codable protocol.

    How To Initialize It:

        let myCustomJSON = try MyCustomJSON(json)

    Model Classes:

      class MyCustomJSON: Codable {
        let status: String
        let data: DataClass
        let message: String
        enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
            case status = "status"
            case data = "data"
            case message = "message"
        init(status: String, data: DataClass, message: String) {
            self.status = status
   = data
            self.message = message
    class DataClass: Codable {
        let deliveryBoyConfig: DeliveryBoyConfig
        let userConfig: [String: String?]
        enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
            case deliveryBoyConfig = "deliveryBoyConfig"
            case userConfig = "userConfig"
        init(deliveryBoyConfig: DeliveryBoyConfig, userConfig: [String: String?]) {
            self.deliveryBoyConfig = deliveryBoyConfig
            self.userConfig = userConfig
    class DeliveryBoyConfig: Codable {
        let id: String
        let fname: String
        let lname: String
        let countryCode: String
        let mobile: String
        let email: String
        let address: String
        let userid: String
        let imeiNumber: String
        let lastUpdate: JSONNull?
        let postID: JSONNull?
        let capacity: JSONNull?
        let geoLatitude: String
        let geoLongitude: String
        let geoRadius: String
        let insertDatetime: String
        let updateDatetime: JSONNull?
        let origID: String
        let isOtp: String
        let imgPath: JSONNull?
        let deviceToken: JSONNull?
        let flag: JSONNull?
        let osVersion: JSONNull?
        let appVersion: JSONNull?
        let latitude: String
        let longitude: String
        let timestamp: String
        let dutyStatus: String
        let battery: String
        let charging: String
        let speed: String
        let distance: String
        let geofenceID: JSONNull?
        let monthlyFixEarning: String
        let dailyFixEarning: String
        let reimbursementPerKM: String
        let monthlyRevenueTarget: String
        let monthlyTaskTarget: String
        let monthlyCarryingCapacity: String
        let empIsActive: String
        let empUsedLeaves: Int
        let empRemainingLeaves: Int
        let empTotalLeaves: String
        enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
            case id = "id"
            case fname = "fname"
            case lname = "lname"
            case countryCode = "country_code"
            case mobile = "mobile"
            case email = "email"
            case address = "address"
            case userid = "userid"
            case imeiNumber = "imei_number"
            case lastUpdate = "last_update"
            case postID = "post_id"
            case capacity = "capacity"
            case geoLatitude = "geo_latitude"
            case geoLongitude = "geo_longitude"
            case geoRadius = "geo_radius"
            case insertDatetime = "insert_datetime"
            case updateDatetime = "update_datetime"
            case origID = "orig_id"
            case isOtp = "is_otp"
            case imgPath = "img_path"
            case deviceToken = "device_token"
            case flag = "flag"
            case osVersion = "osVersion"
            case appVersion = "appVersion"
            case latitude = "latitude"
            case longitude = "longitude"
            case timestamp = "timestamp"
            case dutyStatus = "duty_status"
            case battery = "battery"
            case charging = "charging"
            case speed = "speed"
            case distance = "distance"
            case geofenceID = "geofence_id"
            case monthlyFixEarning = "monthly_fix_earning"
            case dailyFixEarning = "daily_fix_earning"
            case reimbursementPerKM = "reimbursement_per_km"
            case monthlyRevenueTarget = "monthly_revenue_target"
            case monthlyTaskTarget = "monthly_task_target"
            case monthlyCarryingCapacity = "monthly_carrying_capacity"
            case empIsActive = "emp_is_active"
            case empUsedLeaves = "emp_used_leaves"
            case empRemainingLeaves = "emp_remaining_leaves"
            case empTotalLeaves = "emp_total_leaves"
        init(id: String, fname: String, lname: String, countryCode: String, mobile: String, email: String, address: String, userid: String, imeiNumber: String, lastUpdate: JSONNull?, postID: JSONNull?, capacity: JSONNull?, geoLatitude: String, geoLongitude: String, geoRadius: String, insertDatetime: String, updateDatetime: JSONNull?, origID: String, isOtp: String, imgPath: JSONNull?, deviceToken: JSONNull?, flag: JSONNull?, osVersion: JSONNull?, appVersion: JSONNull?, latitude: String, longitude: String, timestamp: String, dutyStatus: String, battery: String, charging: String, speed: String, distance: String, geofenceID: JSONNull?, monthlyFixEarning: String, dailyFixEarning: String, reimbursementPerKM: String, monthlyRevenueTarget: String, monthlyTaskTarget: String, monthlyCarryingCapacity: String, empIsActive: String, empUsedLeaves: Int, empRemainingLeaves: Int, empTotalLeaves: String) {
   = id
            self.fname = fname
            self.lname = lname
            self.countryCode = countryCode
   = mobile
   = email
            self.address = address
            self.userid = userid
            self.imeiNumber = imeiNumber
            self.lastUpdate = lastUpdate
            self.postID = postID
            self.capacity = capacity
            self.geoLatitude = geoLatitude
            self.geoLongitude = geoLongitude
            self.geoRadius = geoRadius
            self.insertDatetime = insertDatetime
            self.updateDatetime = updateDatetime
            self.origID = origID
            self.isOtp = isOtp
            self.imgPath = imgPath
            self.deviceToken = deviceToken
            self.flag = flag
            self.osVersion = osVersion
            self.appVersion = appVersion
            self.latitude = latitude
            self.longitude = longitude
            self.timestamp = timestamp
            self.dutyStatus = dutyStatus
            self.battery = battery
            self.charging = charging
            self.speed = speed
            self.distance = distance
            self.geofenceID = geofenceID
            self.monthlyFixEarning = monthlyFixEarning
            self.dailyFixEarning = dailyFixEarning
            self.reimbursementPerKM = reimbursementPerKM
            self.monthlyRevenueTarget = monthlyRevenueTarget
            self.monthlyTaskTarget = monthlyTaskTarget
            self.monthlyCarryingCapacity = monthlyCarryingCapacity
            self.empIsActive = empIsActive
            self.empUsedLeaves = empUsedLeaves
            self.empRemainingLeaves = empRemainingLeaves
            self.empTotalLeaves = empTotalLeaves
    // MARK: Convenience initializers and mutators
    extension MyCustomJSON {
        convenience init(data: Data) throws {
            let me = try newJSONDecoder().decode(MyCustomJSON.self, from: data)
            self.init(status: me.status, data:, message: me.message)
        convenience init(_ json: String, using encoding: String.Encoding = .utf8) throws {
            guard let data = encoding) else {
                throw NSError(domain: "JSONDecoding", code: 0, userInfo: nil)
            try self.init(data: data)
        convenience init(fromURL url: URL) throws {
            try self.init(data: try Data(contentsOf: url))
        func with(
            status: String? = nil,
            data: DataClass? = nil,
            message: String? = nil
        ) -> MyCustomJSON {
            return MyCustomJSON(
                status: status ?? self.status,
                data: data ??,
                message: message ?? self.message
        func jsonData() throws -> Data {
            return try newJSONEncoder().encode(self)
        func jsonString(encoding: String.Encoding = .utf8) throws -> String? {
            return String(data: try self.jsonData(), encoding: encoding)
    extension DataClass {
        convenience init(data: Data) throws {
            let me = try newJSONDecoder().decode(DataClass.self, from: data)
            self.init(deliveryBoyConfig: me.deliveryBoyConfig, userConfig: me.userConfig)
        convenience init(_ json: String, using encoding: String.Encoding = .utf8) throws {
            guard let data = encoding) else {
                throw NSError(domain: "JSONDecoding", code: 0, userInfo: nil)
            try self.init(data: data)
        convenience init(fromURL url: URL) throws {
            try self.init(data: try Data(contentsOf: url))
        func with(
            deliveryBoyConfig: DeliveryBoyConfig? = nil,
            userConfig: [String: String?]? = nil
        ) -> DataClass {
            return DataClass(
                deliveryBoyConfig: deliveryBoyConfig ?? self.deliveryBoyConfig,
                userConfig: userConfig ?? self.userConfig
        func jsonData() throws -> Data {
            return try newJSONEncoder().encode(self)
        func jsonString(encoding: String.Encoding = .utf8) throws -> String? {
            return String(data: try self.jsonData(), encoding: encoding)
    extension DeliveryBoyConfig {
        convenience init(data: Data) throws {
            let me = try newJSONDecoder().decode(DeliveryBoyConfig.self, from: data)
            self.init(id:, fname: me.fname, lname: me.lname, countryCode: me.countryCode, mobile:, email:, address: me.address, userid: me.userid, imeiNumber: me.imeiNumber, lastUpdate: me.lastUpdate, postID: me.postID, capacity: me.capacity, geoLatitude: me.geoLatitude, geoLongitude: me.geoLongitude, geoRadius: me.geoRadius, insertDatetime: me.insertDatetime, updateDatetime: me.updateDatetime, origID: me.origID, isOtp: me.isOtp, imgPath: me.imgPath, deviceToken: me.deviceToken, flag: me.flag, osVersion: me.osVersion, appVersion: me.appVersion, latitude: me.latitude, longitude: me.longitude, timestamp: me.timestamp, dutyStatus: me.dutyStatus, battery: me.battery, charging: me.charging, speed: me.speed, distance: me.distance, geofenceID: me.geofenceID, monthlyFixEarning: me.monthlyFixEarning, dailyFixEarning: me.dailyFixEarning, reimbursementPerKM: me.reimbursementPerKM, monthlyRevenueTarget: me.monthlyRevenueTarget, monthlyTaskTarget: me.monthlyTaskTarget, monthlyCarryingCapacity: me.monthlyCarryingCapacity, empIsActive: me.empIsActive, empUsedLeaves: me.empUsedLeaves, empRemainingLeaves: me.empRemainingLeaves, empTotalLeaves: me.empTotalLeaves)
        convenience init(_ json: String, using encoding: String.Encoding = .utf8) throws {
            guard let data = encoding) else {
                throw NSError(domain: "JSONDecoding", code: 0, userInfo: nil)
            try self.init(data: data)
        convenience init(fromURL url: URL) throws {
            try self.init(data: try Data(contentsOf: url))
        func with(
            id: String? = nil,
            fname: String? = nil,
            lname: String? = nil,
            countryCode: String? = nil,
            mobile: String? = nil,
            email: String? = nil,
            address: String? = nil,
            userid: String? = nil,
            imeiNumber: String? = nil,
            lastUpdate: JSONNull?? = nil,
            postID: JSONNull?? = nil,
            capacity: JSONNull?? = nil,
            geoLatitude: String? = nil,
            geoLongitude: String? = nil,
            geoRadius: String? = nil,
            insertDatetime: String? = nil,
            updateDatetime: JSONNull?? = nil,
            origID: String? = nil,
            isOtp: String? = nil,
            imgPath: JSONNull?? = nil,
            deviceToken: JSONNull?? = nil,
            flag: JSONNull?? = nil,
            osVersion: JSONNull?? = nil,
            appVersion: JSONNull?? = nil,
            latitude: String? = nil,
            longitude: String? = nil,
            timestamp: String? = nil,
            dutyStatus: String? = nil,
            battery: String? = nil,
            charging: String? = nil,
            speed: String? = nil,
            distance: String? = nil,
            geofenceID: JSONNull?? = nil,
            monthlyFixEarning: String? = nil,
            dailyFixEarning: String? = nil,
            reimbursementPerKM: String? = nil,
            monthlyRevenueTarget: String? = nil,
            monthlyTaskTarget: String? = nil,
            monthlyCarryingCapacity: String? = nil,
            empIsActive: String? = nil,
            empUsedLeaves: Int? = nil,
            empRemainingLeaves: Int? = nil,
            empTotalLeaves: String? = nil
        ) -> DeliveryBoyConfig {
            return DeliveryBoyConfig(
                id: id ??,
                fname: fname ?? self.fname,
                lname: lname ?? self.lname,
                countryCode: countryCode ?? self.countryCode,
                mobile: mobile ??,
                email: email ??,
                address: address ?? self.address,
                userid: userid ?? self.userid,
                imeiNumber: imeiNumber ?? self.imeiNumber,
                lastUpdate: lastUpdate ?? self.lastUpdate,
                postID: postID ?? self.postID,
                capacity: capacity ?? self.capacity,
                geoLatitude: geoLatitude ?? self.geoLatitude,
                geoLongitude: geoLongitude ?? self.geoLongitude,
                geoRadius: geoRadius ?? self.geoRadius,
                insertDatetime: insertDatetime ?? self.insertDatetime,
                updateDatetime: updateDatetime ?? self.updateDatetime,
                origID: origID ?? self.origID,
                isOtp: isOtp ?? self.isOtp,
                imgPath: imgPath ?? self.imgPath,
                deviceToken: deviceToken ?? self.deviceToken,
                flag: flag ?? self.flag,
                osVersion: osVersion ?? self.osVersion,
                appVersion: appVersion ?? self.appVersion,
                latitude: latitude ?? self.latitude,
                longitude: longitude ?? self.longitude,
                timestamp: timestamp ?? self.timestamp,
                dutyStatus: dutyStatus ?? self.dutyStatus,
                battery: battery ?? self.battery,
                charging: charging ?? self.charging,
                speed: speed ?? self.speed,
                distance: distance ?? self.distance,
                geofenceID: geofenceID ?? self.geofenceID,
                monthlyFixEarning: monthlyFixEarning ?? self.monthlyFixEarning,
                dailyFixEarning: dailyFixEarning ?? self.dailyFixEarning,
                reimbursementPerKM: reimbursementPerKM ?? self.reimbursementPerKM,
                monthlyRevenueTarget: monthlyRevenueTarget ?? self.monthlyRevenueTarget,
                monthlyTaskTarget: monthlyTaskTarget ?? self.monthlyTaskTarget,
                monthlyCarryingCapacity: monthlyCarryingCapacity ?? self.monthlyCarryingCapacity,
                empIsActive: empIsActive ?? self.empIsActive,
                empUsedLeaves: empUsedLeaves ?? self.empUsedLeaves,
                empRemainingLeaves: empRemainingLeaves ?? self.empRemainingLeaves,
                empTotalLeaves: empTotalLeaves ?? self.empTotalLeaves
        func jsonData() throws -> Data {
            return try newJSONEncoder().encode(self)
        func jsonString(encoding: String.Encoding = .utf8) throws -> String? {
            return String(data: try self.jsonData(), encoding: encoding)
    // MARK: Encode/decode helpers
    class JSONNull: Codable, Hashable {
        public static func == (lhs: JSONNull, rhs: JSONNull) -> Bool {
            return true
        public var hashValue: Int {
            return 0
        public init() {}
        public required init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
            let container = try decoder.singleValueContainer()
            if !container.decodeNil() {
                throw DecodingError.typeMismatch(JSONNull.self, DecodingError.Context(codingPath: decoder.codingPath, debugDescription: "Wrong type for JSONNull"))
        public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
            var container = encoder.singleValueContainer()
            try container.encodeNil()
    func newJSONDecoder() -> JSONDecoder {
        let decoder = JSONDecoder()
        if #available(iOS 10.0, OSX 10.12, tvOS 10.0, watchOS 3.0, *) {
            decoder.dateDecodingStrategy = .iso8601
        return decoder
    func newJSONEncoder() -> JSONEncoder {
        let encoder = JSONEncoder()
        if #available(iOS 10.0, OSX 10.12, tvOS 10.0, watchOS 3.0, *) {
            encoder.dateEncodingStrategy = .iso8601
        return encoder