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Finding the prime factor of a Long number using Java

public class prime
   public static void main(String[] args)
     long thing = 600851475143L;
     for(long i = 300425737571L ; i == 0 ; i-- ){
     if (thing % i == 0)
       long answer = i;



This is the code I currently have, however I have been running it in DrJava for a few minutes and it has returned no results. I'm guessing there are roughly a million ways my code can be optimised though ; would anyone be able to give me some tips ?

Trying to work through a few programming problems today and this one is causing me some trouble.

Thanks a lot :)


  • You only need iterate down to sqrt(thing), though.

    And in general it's going to be quicker to iterate starting from 2, since half the numbers will have a factor of two (and 1/3 a factor of 3 etc.

    You're also breaking only on the first factor so will miss any others

     long thing = 600851475143L;
     for(long i = 0; i < 300425737571L ; i++ ){
         if (i * i > thing) {
         if (thing % i == 0) {
           long answer = i;
    • more sophisticated methods are available as aioobe says