I've written a class that derives from QAbstractModelItem. It is used on a QTreeView. Sadly the official documentation example does not show how to add or remove items on a model. I thought this would be easy to do, so I hacked my way through it. The problem is that deleting the selected object causes an exception. Example:
The user clicks a row on the QTreeView and wants to delete it with all its children (if any). This is the code that gets executed:
// This gets called with the QModelIndex of the currently selected row.
void MyModel::remove(const QModelIndex &index) {
if (!index.isValid())
MyItem * selectedItem = static_cast<MyItem*>(index.internalPointer());
beginRemoveRows(index, index.row(), index.row());
// Call the method on the selected row object that will delete itself and all its children:
// A pointer list with child items.
std::vector<MyItem*> children;
// Deletes all children of this object and itself.
void MyItem::destroy(bool isFirst) {
if (children.size() > 0) {
// Each child needs to run this function, to ensure that all nested objects are properly deleted:
for each (auto child in children)
// Now that the children have been deleted from heap memory clear the child pointer list:
// This boolean determines wether this object is the selected row/highest object in the row hierachy. Remove this object from the parent's pointer list:
// And lastly delete this instance:
if(!isFirst) // This will cause a memory leak, but it is necessary
delete this; // <- because this throws an exception if I run this on the first object.
// Removes a single child reference from this instance's pointer list.
void MyItem::removeChild(MyItem * child)
auto it = std::find(children.begin(), children.end(), child);
Now this works just fine if we don't mind the minor memory leak. ^^
But if I try to run the delete command on the first/selected row object - then one of two exceptions occur:
I kept the code short but hopefully it contains my error. Or does somebody know a good QTreeView/QAbstractItemModel example that shows how to add/remove items?
Kind regards Sora
I think there is an error in the MyModel::remove
method. The beginRemoveRows
takes as first parameter the parent index, not the index itself. Yuo have to replace the line with this:
beginRemoveRows(index.parent(), index.row(), index.row());