Let say that the type b
is an instance of Monoid
and for a fixed indices range of (v1,v2) :: (i,i)
with i
belonging to the type class Ix
I want to define the corresponding Data.Array type to be a Monoid as well. How can this be done? Here, mempty
should be the Array with entries mempty::b
and also mappend
for arrays should be the mappend
-operation component-wise.
(For instance if i=(Int,Int)
the type Data.Array i b
represents of all (2 dimensional) matricies with different sizes (and different ranges of the index). Only for fixed size such a Monoid
-declaration makes sense. Actually, I am interested in the vector-space case instead of Monoids, but Monoid already shows the difficulty. I have only a vague idea about dependent type but this seems to be a prototypical example for a situation in which individual types corresponding to the only a subset of the range of one parameter would be useful.)
A common way is to wrap a not-very-typed representation into a more typed one like this:
data Nat = Z | S Nat
newtype Vec (n :: Nat) a = Vec [a]
newtype Sized m (ns :: [Nat]) a = Sized { getArray :: Array (Vec m Int) a }
Here ns
is a promoted (see Giving Haskell a Promotion) phantom (see Motivation behind Phantom Types?) value — a list of sizes of dimensions and m
is the length of this list (promoted and phantom as well). So any array under the Sized
wrapper is assumed to be a multidimensional matrix with ns
representing its dimensions. The Monoid
instance then looks like this:
instance (SingI m, SingI ns, Monoid a) => Monoid (Sized m ns a) where
mempty = listSized $ repeat mempty
Sized as `mappend` Sized bs = listSized $ zipWith mappend (elems as) (elems bs)
That SingI
stuff is from the singletons library. Singletons allow to lift values to the type-level, so we can kinda emulate dependent types, and SingI
allows to get lifted values back at the value level via the fromSing
function. listSized
is essentially listArray
, but for arrays with statically known dimensions and hence it requires all those SingI
s to be in scope. Here is its definition:
toInt :: Nat -> Int
toInt = go 0 where
go !a Z = a
go a (S n) = go (1 + a) n
vecBounds :: forall m (ns :: [Nat]). (SingI m) => Sing ns -> (Vec m Int, Vec m Int)
vecBounds singNs = (Vec $ replicate m 0, Vec ns') where
m = toInt $ fromSing (sing :: Sing m)
ns' = map (pred . toInt) $ fromSing singNs
listSized :: forall m (ns :: [Nat]) a. (SingI m, SingI ns) => [a] -> Sized m ns a
listSized = Sized . listArray (vecBounds (sing :: Sing ns))
computes bounds for a given promoted list of sizes of dimensions. It returns a tuple which first component is the lowerest index which is always of the form [0,0..0]
(there as many zeros as there are dimensions, i.e. m
). The second component is the greatest index, so if you e.g. have a list of sizes of dimensions like [2, 1, 3]
(represented as [S (S Z), S Z, S (S (S Z))]
), then the maximum index is [1, 0, 2]
It only remains to provide an Ix
instance for Vec n a
which is a direct generalization of the product instances:
instance Ix a => Ix (Vec n a) where
range (Vec ns, Vec ms) = map Vec . sequence $ zipWith (curry range) ns ms
index (Vec ns, Vec ms) (Vec ps) = foldr (\(i, r) a -> i + r * a) 0 $
zipWith3 (\n m p -> (index (n, m) p, rangeSize (n, m))) ns ms ps
inRange (Vec ns, Vec ms) (Vec ps) = and $ zipWith3 (curry inRange) ns ms ps
And we can write some tests:
type M = S (S (S Z))
type Ns = [S (S Z), S Z, S (S (S Z))]
arr1 :: Sized M Ns (Sum Int)
arr1 = listSized $ map Sum [5,3,6,7,1,4]
arr2 :: Sized M Ns (Sum Int)
arr2 = listSized $ map Sum [8,2,9,7,3,6]
main = mapM_ (print . getArray) $ [arr1, arr2, arr1 `mappend` arr2 `mappend` mempty]
This prints
array (Vec [0,0,0],Vec [1,0,2]) [(Vec [0,0,0],Sum {getSum = 5}),(Vec [0,0,1],Sum {getSum = 6}),(Vec [0,0,2],Sum {getSum = 1}),(Vec [1,0,0],Sum {getSum = 3}),(Vec [1,0,1],Sum {getSum = 7}),(Vec [1,0,2],Sum {getSum = 4})]
array (Vec [0,0,0],Vec [1,0,2]) [(Vec [0,0,0],Sum {getSum = 8}),(Vec [0,0,1],Sum {getSum = 9}),(Vec [0,0,2],Sum {getSum = 3}),(Vec [1,0,0],Sum {getSum = 2}),(Vec [1,0,1],Sum {getSum = 7}),(Vec [1,0,2],Sum {getSum = 6})]
array (Vec [0,0,0],Vec [1,0,2]) [(Vec [0,0,0],Sum {getSum = 13}),(Vec [0,0,1],Sum {getSum = 15}),(Vec [0,0,2],Sum {getSum = 4}),(Vec [1,0,0],Sum {getSum = 5}),(Vec [1,0,1],Sum {getSum = 14}),(Vec [1,0,2],Sum {getSum = 10})]
I.e. elements were summed pointwise as required. And if you accidentally try to sum arrays with different dimensions, you'll get a type error:
type Ns = [S (S Z), S Z, S (S (S Z))]
type Ns' = [S (S (S Z)), S Z, S (S Z)]
arr1 :: Sized M Ns (Sum Int)
arr1 = listSized $ map Sum [5,3,6,7,1,4]
arr2 :: Sized M Ns' (Sum Int)
arr2 = listSized $ map Sum [8,2,9,7,3,6]
main = print . getArray $ arr1 `mappend` arr2
-- Couldn't match type 'S 'Z with 'Z …
-- Expected type: Sized M Ns (Sum Int)
-- Actual type: Sized M Ns' (Sum Int)
-- In the second argument of `mappend', namely `arr2'
-- In the first argument of `mappend', namely `arr1 `mappend` arr2'