I have a directory c:\test that is populated automatically with files named PM1 2016-10-06 1.AL1, PM1 2016-10-06 2.AL1, PM1 2016-10-07 1.AL1 etc. I have written (thanks to Aacini for the core code!) a batch script that works exactly the way I need it to, but my problem is that it only works on one file, and the file cannot have spaces in the filename. The code:
@echo off
cd c:\test
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set LF=^
%do not remove%
%these lines%
set "EOL=!LF!" & set "EOL2=!LF!"
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (c:\test\PM1.AL1) do (
if %%a equ PROP-SUMMARY set "EOL=!LF!"
set /P "=%%a!EOL!" < NUL
set "EOL0=!EOL!" & set "EOL=!EOL2!" & set "EOL2=!EOL0!"
if %%a equ PROP-VALUES set "EOL=,"
) >>c:\test\test.tmp
TYPE c:\test\test.tmp | FIND "" /V > c:\test\PM1_new.AL1"
DEL c:\test\test.tmp
If you're curious about the TYPE line, it changes all the CRs in the file to CRLFs.
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
cd c:\test
set LF=^
%do not remove%
%these lines%
for %%f in (*.*) do (
set "EOL=!LF!" & set "EOL2=!LF!"
(for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %%a in ("%%f") do (
if %%a equ PROP-SUMMARY set "EOL=!LF!"
set /P "=%%a!EOL!"
set "EOL0=!EOL!" & set "EOL=!EOL2!" & set "EOL2=!EOL0!"
if %%a equ PROP-VALUES set "EOL=,"
)) < NUL > test.tmp
TYPE test.tmp | FIND "" /V > "%%f"
DEL test.tmp