This is my first time programming in verilog hdl and I am having trouble figuring out what is wrong with my code. I need to design a simple ALU in behavioral code.
So far I have created a subtractor and adder module.( I need to add more modules but I would like to get these working in the ALU module before I add the others).
I have the following modules in seperate .v files in the same project (pretty sure this is behavioral?):
module adder3bit( sum, co, a, b);
parameter n = 2;
output reg [n:0] sum;
output reg co;
input [n:0] a;
input [n:0] b;
always @(a, b)
{co, sum} = a + b;
module subtract3bit(diff, bo, a, b);
parameter n = 2;
output reg [n:0] diff;
output reg bo;
input [n:0] a;
input [n:0] b;
always @(a, b)
{bo, diff} = a - b;
I tested these and see that they are working.
Now I am trying to call them in the main ALU module:
module alu( out, overflow, a, b,sel);
input [2:0] a, b;
input sel;
output [2:0] out;
output overflow;
always @(a,b,sel)
adder3bit A1(out,overflow,a,b);
subtract3bit S1( out, overflow, a, b);
My syntax may be wrong, but it is showing errors. I am just very unfamiliar with verilog. I feel how I first felt with learning C. Help would be much appreciated.
I know it is calling the modules correctly but I think it is something to do with the if statements.
Thank you I hope to learn something new!
The main problem is that you want to call module. Modules are not functions or tasks you cannot call them. What you can and should do with module is instantiate it in another module (in this case ALU module). Modules cannot be instantiated inside procedural blocks (e.x. always in your code). Both adder and subtractor will produce new result on every change of it's inputs so you only need to properly drive input's of this modules and the read its outputs.
I advice you to declare module's port in a more readable way:
module adder3bit #(
parameter N = 2
) (
output reg [N:0] sum,
output reg co,
input [N:0] a,
input [N:0] b
always @(a, b)
{co, sum} = a + b;
In ALU you can instantiate adder3bit like this:
module alu (
input [2:0] a,
input [2:0] b,
input sel,
output [2:0] out,
output overflow
localparam SIZE = 3;
wire [SIZE - 1 : 0] diff;
wire [SIZE - 1 : 0] sum;
wire co;
wire bo;
adder3bit #(
) adder (
subtract3bit #(
) subtractor (
always @(*)
{out,overflow) = {sum, co};
{out,overflow) = {diff, bo};
And one more thing, your module has parameters which defines size of it inputs and outputs but it's name suggest that it is fixed to three which can be confusing.