I’m trying to get my table to fit in a small screen (< 400 pixel width) so I applied this style to my table cells …
#searchResults td {
padding: 1px;
word-break: break-all;
But my question is, can I make this function smarter? That is, notice in my Fiddle, https://jsfiddle.net/hk42jb5r/1/ , that the first name, “Dave Echoer”, breaks the name into “Dave Echt” and “er” if you reduce the screen to 320 pixels wide. Because there’s a space in the text, it would make more sense for the split to occur at the space. Breaking the word there wouldn’t affect the table width. Is there any way I can get this to happen when its appropriate?
It seems you want the behavior of
word-break: break-word;
It is a non-standard property supported by Chrome which behaves almost like word-wrap: break-word
. However, when they tried to remove it, they noticed
In some cases (tables and
display: table;
layouts) theword-break: break-word
behavior is different fromword-wrap: break-word;
and the former works as expected.
The CSS WG resolved to
word-break: break-word
to spec if Edge/Firefox find it critical enough to Web compat to implement it.
So it may become standard.
But currently, if you want to prevent table cells from being at least as wide as the longest word, and still avoid breaking inside words when it's not necessary, you can use
table-layout: fixed;
Note this will get rid of some special table behaviors, e.g. all columns will be equally wide even if their contents could fit better in other arrangements.