I would like to use Liquid markup to test if the page that is being viewed is the home page (but specifically the root URL of a website), e.g. www.mysite.com/
I attempted to use {{globals.get}}, because according to the BC Documentation, this should output...
The current relative path and the query parameters passed in the URL. For example, for the URL http://mtica1.businesscatalyst.com/_s1/s2?a=1&b=2 the output of the module is:
"ID": "/_s1/s2",
"a": "1",
"b": "2"
[emphasis mine]
However, it appears that Business Catalyst does not deal with this Liquid tag consistently. On the site root {{globals.get}}
outputs {}
and on other system pages such as the eCommerce layouts, ID
is replaced with CatalogueID: "xxxxx"
, where xxxxx is the ID of the Catalogue, NOT the "current relative path" at all!
Needless to say, I was unable to output ID: "/"
to target the site root as expected.
How can I test if a user is on the root URL using Liquid?
EDIT: I have added another solution to the beginning of this answer but have left my original solution below so others can see the process I went through.
While I have had no issues with the solution detailed below, due to "blank" being undocumented in BC, I would prefer a solution that does't have the potential to be broken if the BC Dev team make updates.
You can check if you are the site root using the following Liquid markup:
{module_pageaddress collection="page" template=""}
{module_siteUrl collection="site" template=""}
{% assign fullUrl = 'http://' | append: {{site.siteUrl}} | append: '/' -%}
{% if page.pageUrl == {{fullUrl}} -%}
// we are on the site root
{% else -%}
// we are not on the site root
{% endif -%}
You can test if you are on the site root using the following Liquid markup:
{% if globals.get == blank -%}
// we are on the root URL - do something
{% else -%}
// we are not on the root URL
{% endif -%}
The "key" piece of information here is the keyword blank.
I did a number of tests and discovered that the only page that outputs {}
as a result of {{globals.get}}
is the root URL. (Note: I have not tested this exhaustively - please comment if you find another page that outputs {}
I tried {% if globals.get == {} -%}
but this simply targets all pages because all of them have something output inside {}
BC Documentation had nothing, but I found this document which mentions it and surprise, surprise: it works.
Let's just hope the BC Dev team don't go and change something that stops this from working.