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How to fetch products data using product handle from an array containing handles in shopify

I've a list of product handles stored in the main products metafield that I'm fetching in the following way:

{% assign firstComponentHandles = product.variants.first.metafields.custom.component_handles %}

const handlesData = {{ firstComponentHandles }};


    "handlesData": [

Now I've taken multiple approach to fetch the products data using the handles. I've used the all_products liquid obj for fetching the data using the handles:

Using js:

  {% assign firstComponentHandles = product.variants.first.metafields.custom.component_handles %}  

  const handlesData = {{ firstComponentHandles }};

  const componentsData = [];

  handlesData.forEach((componentHandle, index) => {

    componentsData.push({ componentHandle: {{ all_products.componentHandle | json }} });

    componentsData.push({ componentHandle: {{ all_products[componentHandle] }} });


  console.log("Components Data:", componentsData);


Uncaught ReferenceError: EmptyDrop is not defined

Inspection on sources:

    handlesData.forEach((componentHandle, index) => {

    componentsData.push({ componentHandle: {"error":"json not allowed for this object"} });

    componentsData.push({ componentHandle: EmptyDrop });


Using Liquid:


  const componentsDataNew = [];
  const componentsDataNew2 = [];

  {% for handle in firstComponentHandles %}

    componentsDataNew.push({handle: {{ all_products.handle | json }}})
    componentsDataNew2.push({handle: {{ all_products[handle] | json }} });

  {% endfor %}

  console.log("Components Data Array New: ", componentsDataNew);
  console.log("Components Data Array New 2: ", componentsDataNew2);



Components Data Array New:  []
Components Data Array New 2:  []

Passing static handle:

  const dataUsingStatichandle = [];

  dataUsingStatichandle.push({ burger: {{ all_products.burger }} });
  dataUsingStatichandle.push({ burger2: {{ all_products["burger"] }} });


    { "burger": { "id": 8654927343434, "title": "Burger", ...moreData } },
    { "burger2": { "id": 8654905131564, "title": "Burger", ...moreData } }

So, I couldn't fetch the data using either Js or Liquid dynamically but I could fetch them passing the handle statically.

What am I doing wrong? I feel like this should be a syntax related issue.


  • I figured it out. The main problem was with the data format and it was a hectic process. It took me quite some time to figure out what was wrong.

    1st problem that I found was that the liquid loop wasn't working with the data I was passing. I was getting the handles data as an array:


    So then I assigned it to a Liquid variable and then I removed the '[' and then removed the ']'. After removing the parenthesis I removed the '"' double quotes. Then I split the result using ',' and then the handles were ready to use in a liquid loop.

    The liquid code:

      {% assign firstComponentHandles = product.variants.first.metafields.custom.component_handles %}  
      {{ firstComponentHandles }}
      // Output: ["burger","carbonated-beverage"]
      {% assign temp1 = firstComponentHandles | remove: '[' %}  
      temp1: {{ temp1 }}
      // Output: temp1: "burger","carbonated-beverage"]
      {% assign temp2 = temp1 | remove: ']' %}  
      temp2: {{ temp2 }}
      // Output: temp2: "burger","carbonated-beverage"
      {% assign temp3 = temp2 | remove: '"' %}  
      temp3: {{ temp3 }}
      // Output: temp3: burger,carbonated-beverage
      {% assign formattedHandles = temp3 | split: ',' %}  
      {{ formattedHandles }}
      // Output: burgercarbonated-beverage
      const productsWithVariantsQty = {};
      {% for handle in formattedHandles %}
        {% assign productFromHandle = all_products[handle] %}
        // Initialize the key for each product handle and set it as an empty array
        productsWithVariantsQty["{{ handle }}"] = [];
        {% for variant in productFromHandle.variants %}
          productsWithVariantsQty["{{ handle }}"].push({
            variantInventoryQuantity: {{ variant.inventory_quantity }},
            variantInventoryPolicy: "{{ variant.inventory_policy }}"
        {% endfor %}
      {% endfor %}
      console.log("Products with Variants:", productsWithVariantsQty);