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RedHawk Property query/Config from Component A to Component B

I'm very new to RedHawk and I have the following scenario:

I have three component A B and C, B and C both have a property skill, which is one keyword describing what B or C's capability. The flow is: A starts and queries B.skill and C.skill so A knows what B and C can do. Then when A encounters a task that fits in B's or C's skill set, A will start up that specific component to do the task.

My question is: how does component A access a property of B? I looked up online and found some simple redhawk query introduction ( section 4.6.2), but I hope if someone can show me a code snippet that demos how A accesses B's property. Also, I can't find any detailed documentation of the query api. It would be great if someone can direct me to it.

Thank you.


  • This example could probably get cleaned up a bit but in my example snippet, CompA has two output ports, both of type resource with the names compB_connection and compC_connection. We can then connect to compB and compC's resource port (also called the lollipop port) which is a direct connection to the component itself since it inherits from the resource API. This gives us access to methods on the component like start, stop, configure, query etc. For a full list see the idl files.

    CompB and CompC both have a property with the id of "skill". We can use the query API to query the values of those properties.

    std::string CompA_i::any_to_string(CORBA::Any value) {
        std::ostringstream result;
        const char* tmp;
        value >>= tmp;
        result << tmp;
        return result.str();
    int CompA_i::serviceFunction() {
        CF::Properties compB_props, compC_props;
        compB_props[0].id = "skill";
        compC_props[0].id = "skill";
        std::cout << "CompB Skills: " << any_to_string(compB_props[0].value) << std::endl;
        std::cout << "CompC Skills: " << any_to_string(compC_props[0].value) << std::endl;
        return FINISH;

    Now when we connect CompA up to CompB and CompC and Start the waveform, or sandbox we get the following output:

    CompB Skills: nunchuck skills
    CompC Skills: bow hunting skills

    The any_to_string method was found in prop_helpers.cpp in the core framework code; there is probably a helper function in a header file somewhere that would be a better fix.