With Apache Camel I want to send files to a ftp server and if this server becomes unreachable then I want to send files to a backup ftp server. I do it with load balancer
<route id="ftp.failover">
<from uri="file:/path/to/files"/>
<loadBalance inheritErrorHandler="false">
<failover roundRobin="false" sticky="false"/>
<to uri="ftp://ftp_host"/>
<to uri="ftp://backup_ftp_host"/>
<log message="Sent ${headers}"/>
Now, I want to see in log to which ftp server each file was sent and only if it was sent. Unfortunately, my <log />
message doesn't show any info about destination. I suppose that I need to add some ${out.header.foo} in log message but I can't imagine what header name I should specify instead of foo.
So the question: is there a way to get logged the real destination in case of load balance in apache camel?
UPDATED: [solution]
Thanks to Vimsha, the solution was simple. There is only one thing which I want to mention: the CamelInterceptedEndpoint header populates as is without sanitizing so passwords become visible if present in uri. Additional log entry slightly pollute log file also. So instead of <log />
I simply rewrite CamelInterceptedEndpoint header.
<interceptSendToEndpoint uri="ftp:*">
<setHeader headerName="CamelInterceptedEndpoint">
After this my initial route began to log the real destination.
Also it is possible to simply sanitize the uri:
<setHeader headerName="CamelInterceptedEndpoint">
May be there is more convenient way to call camel's method but javascript is more simple to me.
Add an interceptor for ftp endpoints and log using the header CamelInterceptedEndpoint
<interceptSendToEndpoint uri="ftp:*">
<log message="Sending to ${headers.CamelInterceptedEndpoint}"/>
Your full route will look something like this
<interceptSendToEndpoint uri="ftp:*">
<log message="Sending to ${headers.CamelInterceptedEndpoint}"/>
<route id="ftp.failover">
<from uri="file:/path/to/files"/>
<loadBalance inheritErrorHandler="false">
<failover roundRobin="false" sticky="false"/>
<to uri="ftp://ftp_host"/>
<to uri="ftp://backup_ftp_host"/>
<log message="Sent ${headers}"/>