When I apply the Scala predefined identity
function to a collection using the map
method the original collection is returned unchanged. However, is the compiler smart enough to simply return the unchanged collection as an O(1)
operation? Or will the identity function still be applied to each element in the original collection yielding a O(n)
It is pretty straightforward to check that this is not the case. Start by making a test file with possibly optimized forms and compile it using scalac
(with or without -optimise
/// TestMap.scala
object TestMap {
def mapOption[T](o: Option[T]): Option[T] = o.map(identity)
def mapList[T](l: List[T]): List[T] = l.map(identity)
def mapSeq[T](l: Seq[T]): Seq[T] = l.map(identity)
Then, checking javap -c TestMap.class
you can see that nothing got optimized past specializing map
to mapSeq
, mapList
, or mapOption
Compiled from "TestMap.scala"
public final class TestMap {
public static <T extends java/lang/Object> scala.collection.Seq<T> mapSeq(scala.collection.Seq<T>);
0: getstatic #16 // Field TestMap$.MODULE$:LTestMap$;
3: aload_0
4: invokevirtual #18 // Method TestMap$.mapSeq:(Lscala/collection/Seq;)Lscala/collection/Seq;
7: areturn
public static <T extends java/lang/Object> scala.collection.immutable.List<T> mapList(scala.collection.immutable.List<T>);
0: getstatic #16 // Field TestMap$.MODULE$:LTestMap$;
3: aload_0
4: invokevirtual #22 // Method TestMap$.mapList:(Lscala/collection/immutable/List;)Lscala/collection/immutable/List;
7: areturn
public static <T extends java/lang/Object> scala.Option<T> mapOption(scala.Option<T>);
0: getstatic #16 // Field TestMap$.MODULE$:LTestMap$;
3: aload_0
4: invokevirtual #26 // Method TestMap$.mapOption:(Lscala/Option;)Lscala/Option;
7: areturn
More simply, this sort of optimization just doesn't extend well in languages with side-effects (on the other hand, in Haskell, this sort of thing happens regularly). Should the compiler optimise l.map(x => { println(x); x })
to l
or not for example?