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MonoGame + TiledSharp Collision

I am using Tiled ( to generate my maps and TiledSharp ( to load and draw my map.

So far so good. Map is drawn correcty (in correct layers) and hero movement is correct.

What I do not get. How to check collision between player and objects?

In my Update() I have something like

if (ks.IsKeyDown(Keys.W))
    playerMovement += new Vector2(0, -2);
    curAnimation = "Walk_North";


if (playerMovement.Length() != 0)

Checking the .tmx file for the map, there is my group with object I can collide with:

 <objectgroup name="Collision">
   <property name="collision" type="bool" value="true"/>
  <object id="1" x="1089" y="1118" width="62" height="65"/>
  <object id="2" x="801" y="1026" width="61" height="60"/>

What I am now looking for is something like

If(tileAt(player.Position + playerMovement).Properties.Collision)
    playerMovement = Vector2.Zero();   

I think, everything is I need is there and I am just missing a simple step to compare players' position with the target position and its property :(

Any suggestions or examples would be appreciated. (Maybe just need to calculate it by myself in a simple method...)


  • Figured it out, actually quite easy:

    First, in my class managing my map I set up an List with my collisionobjects.

    foreach(var o in curMap.ObjectGroups["Collision"].Objects)
        collisionObjects.Add(new Rectangle((int)o.X, (int)o.Y, (int)o.Width, (int)o.Height));

    In my UpdateGame() method I call a simple helper-method from my map-class checking for intersection:

    public bool IsCollisionTile(Rectangle player)
        foreach (Rectangle rect in collisionObjects)
            if (rect.Intersects(player))
               return true;
        return false;


    More effort writing this posting than the actual implementation ^^