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fixed point support on Chisel hdl

I am new to Chisel HDL, and I found the Chisel HDL does provide fixed point respresentation. (I found this link: Fixed Point Arithmetic in Chisel HDL)

when I try it in the chisel hdl it actually doesn't work:

import Chisel._

class Toy extends Module {
        val io = new Bundle {
                val in0 = SFix(4, 12).asInput
                val in1 = SFix(4, 12).asInput
                val out = SFix(4, 16).asOutput
                val oraw = Bits(OUTPUT, width=128)
        val int_result = -io.in0 * (io.in0 + io.in1)
        io.out := int_result
        io.oraw := int_result.raw

class ToyTest(c: Toy) extends Tester(c) {
        for (i <- 0 until 20) {
                val i0 = 0.5
                val i1 = 0.25
                poke(, i0)
                poke(, i1)

                val res = -i0 * (i0+i1)
                expect(, res)

object Toy {
        def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
                val tutArgs = args.slice(1, args.length)
                chiselMainTest(tutArgs, () => Module(new Toy())) {
                        c => new ToyTest(c)

which produce the error that: enter image description here

In my build.sbt file, I choose the latest release chisel by:

libraryDependencies += "edu.berkeley.cs" %% "chisel" % "latest.release"


  • According to Chisel code SFix seems to be deprecated, Fixed should be used instead. I modified your code to use it, but there is a problem with poke and expect. It seems that Fixed is not supported yet by poke and expect.

    import Chisel._
    class Toy extends Module {
            val io = new Bundle {
                    val in0 = Fixed(INPUT, 4, 12)
                    val in1 = Fixed(INPUT, 4, 12)
                    val out = Fixed(OUTPUT, 8, 24)
                    val oraw = Bits(OUTPUT, width=128)
            val int_result = -io.in0 * (io.in0 + io.in1)
            io.out := int_result
            io.oraw := int_result.asUInt()
    class ToyTest(c: Toy) extends Tester(c) {
            for (i <- 0 until 20) {
                    val i0 = Fixed(0.5, 4, 12)
                    val i1 = Fixed(0.25, 4, 12)
           := i0
           := i1
                    //poke(, i0)
                    //poke(, i1)
                    val res = -i0 * (i0+i1)
                    //expect(, res)
    object Toy {
            def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
                    val tutArgs = args.slice(1, args.length)
                    chiselMainTest(tutArgs, () => Module(new Toy())) {
                            c => new ToyTest(c)