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Calculating the fixed-point representation of (1 - SQRT(0.5)) to arbitrary levels of precision

I have a constant 0.29289321881345247559915563789515..., which can be calculated using the equation (1 - SQRT(0.5)) and then transformed into fixed-point format in order to be used with various sizes of unsigned integers. See the following table for examples:

Word Size Q Format Decimal Value Binary Value
8-bit Q0.3 5 101
16-bit Q0.7 75 1001011
32-bit Q0.15 19195 100101011111011
64-bit Q0.31 1257966796 1001010111110110000110011001100
128-bit Q0.63 5402926248376769403 100101011111011000011001100110000000110001000011001101101111011

The problem is that calculating these values becomes infeasible due to the fact that it involves the square root function and numbers that can get arbitrarily large. I remember learning about a "spigot algorithm" that outputs the digits of π using a bounded amount of memory and was hoping that something similar exists for constants such as the one described above. This paper came up during my search, but I have not been able to grok it well enough to translate into code.

How can one accomplish this in a C-like language (preferably C#)? Is there a better way to accomplish the goal of calculating this value for word sizes that are a power of two?

Extra Context

I have the following C# snippet that is from another question:

y -= uint.CreateChecked(value: BinaryIntegerConstants<T>.Size) switch {
    8U => (x * ((y * T.CreateChecked(value: 5UL)) >> 4)),
    16U => (x * ((y * T.CreateChecked(value: 75UL)) >> 8)),
    32U => (x * ((y * T.CreateChecked(value: 19195UL)) >> 16)),
    64U => (x * ((y * T.CreateChecked(value: 1257966796UL)) >> 32)),
    128U => (x * ((y * T.CreateChecked(value: 5402926248376769403UL)) >> 64)),
    _ => throw new NotSupportedException(), // TODO: Research a way to calculate the proper constant at runtime.

I have manually calculated the constants above by using C# code, but cannot go any further due to the limits of the double type.


  • I reached out to Daniel Lemire and he was not only gracious enough to help me work out the following solution but wrote a blog post about it too.

    public static class BinaryIntegerExtensions
        /// <returns>
        /// The result of (1 - SQRT(0.5)) in the fixed-point format Q0.((X >> 1) - 1) where X is the number of bits in type T.
        /// </returns>
        public static T ComputeOneMinusSquareRootOfOneHalf<T>() where T : IBinaryInteger<T> {
            if (typeof(T) == typeof(byte)) { return T.CreateChecked(value: 5); }
            if (typeof(T) == typeof(ushort)) { return T.CreateChecked(value: 75); }
            var @base = (T.One << 8);
            var length = ((T.PopCount(value: T.AllBitsSet) >> 4) + T.One);
            var power = (T.One << 1);
            var result = T.Zero;
            do {
                if (power < ((result << 1) + T.One)) {
                    power *= (@base * @base);
                    result *= @base;
                else {
                    power = ((power - (result << 1)) - T.One);
                    result += T.One;
            } while (result < @base.Exponentiate(exponent: length));
            return ((@base.Exponentiate(exponent: (length - T.One)) - ((result / @base) >> 1)) - T.One);
        public static T Exponentiate<T>(this T value, T exponent) where T : IBinaryInteger<T> {
            var result = T.One;
            do {
                if (T.IsOddInteger(value: exponent)) {
                    result *= value;
                exponent >>= 1;
                value *= value;
            } while (T.Zero < exponent);
            return result;


    BinaryIntegerExtensions.ComputeOneMinusSquareRootOfOneHalf<byte>();    // 5
    BinaryIntegerExtensions.ComputeOneMinusSquareRootOfOneHalf<ushort>();  // 75
    BinaryIntegerExtensions.ComputeOneMinusSquareRootOfOneHalf<uint>();    // 19195
    BinaryIntegerExtensions.ComputeOneMinusSquareRootOfOneHalf<ulong>();   // 1257966796
    BinaryIntegerExtensions.ComputeOneMinusSquareRootOfOneHalf<UInt128>(); // 5402926248376769403