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How to add facebook pixel and conversion code to shopware 5

I am using Shopware 5.1.2. I am new to this templating system.

I am trying to add FB pixcel code to the header file. So I created fb.tpl under /themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/index folder

I was appending it to modernizr block:

{extends file='parent:frontend/index/fb.tpl'}

{block name="frontend_index_header_javascript_modernizr_lib" append}
<!-- Facebook Pixel Code -->

fbq('init', 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXX');
fbq('track', 'PageView');
<noscript><img height="1" width="1" style="display:none"
<!-- End Facebook Pixel Code -->

I also tried adding the fb.tpl to the specific theme folder.

And cleared cache. Still the FB code is not visible in the website.


  • Move your file to Responsive (or your active theme) theme & rename it as header.tpl like:


    Modify file content like below:

    {extends file='parent:frontend/index/header.tpl'}
    {block name="frontend_index_header_javascript_tracking" append}
    <!-- Facebook Pixel Code -->
    <!-- YOUR Facebook Pixel Code HERE -->
    <!-- End Facebook Pixel Code -->

    From Backend menu perform:

    Configuration > Theme Manager > Select Active Theme > Compile Theme

    Reload frontend page. It should work!