I've got one (maybe) simple question: Can I assign more than one ObjectResource to a fixed Subject-Property Statement?
I want my RDF-Triples look like that:
[http://somewhere/Angela_Merkel, http://somewhere/properties#isMentionedIn, http://somewhere/New_York_Times]
[http://somewhere/Angela_Merkel, http://somewhere/properties#isMentionedIn, http://somewhere/The_Guardian]
[http://somewhere/Angela_Merkel, http://somewhere/properties#isMentionedIn, http://somewhere/BildZeitung]
and so on.. Is this rdf well-formed?
And can I implement this in Apache Jena?
Yes this would be well formed data and it is a common way to define multiple values for a given property on a given subject.
RDF has very few restrictions on what triples you can declare. Essentially these boil down to the following:
IRIs are a superset of URIs - see RFC 3987 for more details. TL;DR IRIs are basically URIs with a wider permitted character set to allow internationalised identifiers
Beyond that you are free to declare as many triples as you want.
You can certainly implement this with Apache Jena, I would suggest starting with the Introduction Tutorial and asking new more specific questions if you get stuck.