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Error : ShinyApp cannot open the connection

I tried to publish a shinyapp to both and but there has connection error, here I raised Unable publish to RStudio Connect : Error in yaml::yaml.load(enc2utf8(string), ...) : Reader error: control characters are not allowed: #81 at 276 #115 and Error in yaml::yaml.load(enc2utf8(string), ...) : Reader error: control characters are not allowed: #81 at 276 #31. It works locally but once publish became error as you can see whole knitting process via below gif.

I've recorded few animated gif to know the error thoroughly. error 01, error 02, error 03. Kindly refer to the gif, here I also refer to some articles who faced similar error.


  • Finally its work, but take few minutes to open the webpage... test shinyapp

    I forgot to attach the data and functions into the shinyapp, I wondered some functions unable found while I just simply add googleVis:: and purrr:: to get the require function from load the package.