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How to save changes in a subset of data in a Shiny app with editable DataTable?

(Aware of this and this post)

I'm working on a Shiny app where I need to use a DT::datatable to display and edit a subset of data, but I’m struggling with saving those changes. Specifically, I have a table that allows users to edit certain fields, and I want to save these edits to the original data (a shapefile).

Here is what I am trying to do:

  • The user selects a district from a dropdown (selectInput), which filters the data to show only streets belonging to that district (in a map as well, but not relevant for the question).
  • The user can then edit the "Status" field in the DataTable.
  • After the user has made changes, I need to save these changes to the shapefile_clean dataset, so the modifications persist and can be used in other parts of the app.

I think the problem is the combination of filtered_data as filter of shapefile_clean and selected_street_table as reactive of selected_row. But I need those for the map to work (zooming to the specific street etc.)

Here's the relevant part of my code:


# Simulate loading shapefile data
shapefile_clean <- data.frame(
  name = c("Street 1", "Street 2", "Street 3"),
  id = 1:3,
  Status = c("Ungeprüft", "Ungeprüft", "Ungeprüft"),
  Shape_Leng = c(1000, 2000, 3000),
  OSM_WAY_ID = c(101, 102, 103),
  fclass = c("residential", "secondary", "primary"),
  Stadtbezir = c("District 1", "District 2", "District 1"),
  geometry = c(NA, NA, NA)  # Placeholder for geometry

# Define UI
ui <- fluidPage(
      selectInput("stb", "Select District:", 
                  choices = unique(shapefile_clean$Stadtbezir),
                  selected = unique(shapefile_clean$Stadtbezir)[1]),
      DTOutput("data_table")  # Table with street names
        h4("Interactive leaflet map here as well, removed for simplicity")  # Placeholder text for the map
      DTOutput("selected_street_table")  # Table with selected street details

# Define server logic
server <- function(input, output, session) {
  # Reactive expression to filter data based on selected Stadtbezir
  filtered_data <- reactive({
    shapefile_clean %>% filter(Stadtbezir == input$stb)
  # Render DataTable with unique street names (no duplicates)
  output$data_table <- renderDT({
    df <- filtered_data() %>%
      distinct(name, .keep_all = TRUE)  # Keeps only the first occurrence of each unique street name
    df %>%
      select(name, id, Status) %>%
      datatable(selection = 'single', options = list(pageLength = 15))
  # Define a reactive value for the selected row
  selected_row <- reactive({
    filtered_data()[input$data_table_rows_selected, ]
  # Render the additional table with more details for the selected street, and make "Status" editable
  output$selected_street_table <- renderDT({
    selected_row() %>%
      select( Shape_Leng, OSM_WAY_ID, fclass,  Status) %>%
      datatable(editable = list(target = 'cell', disable = list(columns = c(0:3))))  

# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)


  • You can define your shapefile_clean and selected_row in a reactiveValues like:

    rv <- reactiveValues(
        data = shapefile_clean,
        selected_row = NULL

    Instead of selected_row and shapefile_clean we can then reference rv.


    # Simulate loading shapefile data
    shapefile_clean <- data.frame(
      name = c("Street 1", "Street 2", "Street 3"),
      id = 1:3,
      Status = c("Ungeprüft", "Ungeprüft", "Ungeprüft"),
      Shape_Leng = c(1000, 2000, 3000),
      OSM_WAY_ID = c(101, 102, 103),
      fclass = c("residential", "secondary", "primary"),
      Stadtbezir = c("District 1", "District 2", "District 1"),
      geometry = c(NA, NA, NA)  # Placeholder for geometry
    # Define UI
    ui <- fluidPage(
      titlePanel("Street Management System"),
          selectInput("stb", "Select District:", 
                      choices = unique(shapefile_clean$Stadtbezir),
                      selected = unique(shapefile_clean$Stadtbezir)[1]),
          DTOutput("data_table")  # Table with street names
            h4("Interactive leaflet map here as well, removed for simplicity")
          DTOutput("selected_street_table")  # Table with selected street details
    # Define server logic
    server <- function(input, output, session) {
      # Create reactive values to store the data
      rv <- reactiveValues(
        data = shapefile_clean,
        selected_row = NULL
      # Reactive expression to filter data based on selected Stadtbezir
      filtered_data <- reactive({
        rv$data %>% filter(Stadtbezir == input$stb)
      # Render main DataTable (not editable)
      output$data_table <- renderDT({
        df <- filtered_data() %>%
          distinct(name, .keep_all = TRUE)
          df %>% select(name, id, Status),
          selection = 'single',
          options = list(pageLength = 15)
      # Store selected row
      observeEvent(input$data_table_rows_selected, {
        rv$selected_row <- input$data_table_rows_selected
      # Render detailed table for selected street (with editable Status)
      output$selected_street_table <- renderDT({
        selected_data <- filtered_data()[rv$selected_row, ] %>%
          select(Shape_Leng, OSM_WAY_ID, fclass, Status)
                  selection = 'single',
                  editable = list(target = "cell", disable = list(columns = c(1, 2, 3))),  # Only Status column is editable
                  options = list(pageLength = 15))
      # Handle cell edits for selected_street_table
      observeEvent(input$selected_street_table_cell_edit, {
        info <- input$selected_street_table_cell_edit
        new_value <- info$value
        # Get the ID of the edited row from the filtered data
        edited_id <- filtered_data()[rv$selected_row, "id"]
        # Update the main dataset
        rv$data <- rv$data %>%
          mutate(Status = ifelse(id == edited_id, new_value, Status))
    # Run the application 
    shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)


    Save into shapefile

    If you want, you can add a button and make the current rv$data saveable:

    # In UI
    actionButton("save_changes", "Save Changes")
    # In Server
    observeEvent(input$save_changes, {
      # Save rv$data back to shapefile
      st_write(rv$data, "path_to_your_shapefile.shp", append=FALSE)