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Display PDF file which isn't stored on www folder inside R shiny app

I would like to create pdf viewer in R shiny app for a PDF which isn't located on www folder.

In the following code, if my_path doesn't refers to www folder, it seem's to be not working.


ui <- fluidPage(

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  output$PDF_WINDOW <- renderUI({
    tags$iframe(style="height:485px; width:100%", src= my_path)

shinyApp(ui, server)

Thank's for any suggestion


  • You need to make the folder containing the pdf file available to the webserver. This can be done via addResourcePath:

    my_path <- "/path/to/folder/containing/the/pdf/file"
    addResourcePath(prefix = "my_pdf_resource", directoryPath = my_path)
    ui <- fluidPage(
    server <- function(input, output, session) {
      output$PDF_WINDOW <- renderUI({
        tags$iframe(style="height:50vh; width:100%", src = "my_pdf_resource/my_pdf_filename.pdf")
    shinyApp(ui, server)

    As you can see, the defined prefix substitutes the path in the src argument.