Hi I am trying to make a directory in windows with this code
#include <direct.h>
int main() {
string local = "C:/Program Files (x86)/Mail";
_mkdir (local.c_str ());
cout << "It is made?";
catch(invalid_argument& e)
cout << e.what () << " " << (char*) EEXIST;
if (e.what () == (char*) EEXIST) {
cout << e.what () << " " << (char*) EEXIST;
The file is clearly not made, but it is also not making the error it should.
won't throw an exception. (This is not python or boost, or any smart middleware)
Read the documentation you were referring to: it returns a value. 0 is OK, -1: error, ask why to errno
Don't ignore the return value. You probably have insufficient rights without UAC elevation to create the directory.