So I have been following a guide provided by EmbeddedMicro on producing a simple 16 bit CPU using their HDL Lucid. My goal is to convert this over to Verilog in Quartus II. The problem I am having is trying to store the bits allocated for the destination of my data into a specific range of bits inside the designated register. The second problem I am having is using a global Constant as one of case values. I was able to get around this by just replacing with the constant value. I have already added the include file into the project settings. I am still new to Verilog so their might be an abundant of bad code.
The error recieved is on line 57
shift_r.D[DEST] = DIN; //supposed to be storing the data coming in into register
Error Readout: Verilog Syntax Error, near text: "=". Check for and fix any syntax errors that appear immediately before or at the specified keyword
`include "CPU_8/my_incl.vh"
input RST,CLK;
input [0:7] DIN; //DATA in
output reg [0:7] ADDRESS;
output reg [0:7] DOUT; //DATA OUT
output reg WRITE,READ;
reg [0:15] INST;
//I am not sure if i set up the array for my registers correctly either
shiftreg shift_r[0:15] (RST, CLK, D, Q); //initialize shift_r and create array of 16 registers.
//Implicit net is created for the D and Q above when generating block file
instRom_16 instRoms(ADDRESS, INST); //intialize InstRom_16 module
reg [0:3]OP; // opcode
reg [0:3]ARG1; // first arg
reg [0:3]ARG2; // second arg
reg [0:3]DEST; // destination arg
reg [0:7]CONSTANT; //Constant
always@(posedge CLK)
WRITE = 0; // don't write
READ = 0; // don't read
ADDRESS = 8'b0; // don't care
DOUT = 8'b0; // don't care
instRoms.ADDRESS = shift_r.D[0]; //Set shift_reg to be program counter
shift_r.D = shift_r.Q[0] + 1; //increment program counter.
OP = instRoms.INST[15:12]; // opcode first 4 bits
DEST = instRoms.INST[11:8]; // destination one 4 bits
ARG1 = instRoms.INST[7:4]; // argument2 is next 4 bits
ARG2 = instRoms.INST[3:0]; // ARGUMENT2 is last 4 bits
CONSTANT = instRoms.INST[7:0];
case (OP)
4'd1: //tried to use `LOAD but that wouldn't point to the value in my include file
READ = 1; // request a read
//line that is failing
shift_r.D[DEST] = DIN; //supposed to be storing the data coming in into register
This is my include file
`ifndef _my_incl_vh_
`define _my_incl_vh_
`define NOP = 4'd0; // 0 filled
`define LOAD = 4'd1; // load
You made a little mistake:
shiftreg shift_r[0:15] (RST, CLK, D, Q);
Instantiates an array of shift_r
, each instance of which has a RST
, D
and Q
So shift_r.D[DEST]
should become shift_r[DEST].D
and shift_r.Q[0]
should become shift_r[0].Q
For shift_r.D
, is guess you want a 0:15 vector. You will need to assign all 16 bits to an intermediate wire of 15 bits using e.g. a for loop.