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I want to use the ram in my FPGA Altera DE1-SOC, am I taking the correct way?

So I created this module which is suppose to represent a RAM, on which I save some data accordingly to the results on my top module.

module RAM_OUT (pix_val, w_mem_out, set_ram);

input [2:0] w_mem_out;
input [31:0] pix_val;
input set_ram;

reg [15:0] addr_out;

reg [31:0] mem_out1 [0:57599];
reg [31:0] mem_out2 [0:57599];
reg [31:0] mem_out3 [0:57599];

/////////// ram out ///////////////

always @ (w_mem_out or set_ram)

if (set_ram)
addr_out = 0;


        if (w_mem_out == 1)

                mem_out1 [addr_out] = pix_val;  
                mem_out2 [addr_out] = 32'b11111111_000000000000000000000000;
                mem_out3 [addr_out] = 32'b00000000_000000000000000000000000;

                addr_out = addr_out + 16'b0000000000000001;

        else if (w_mem_out == 2)        

                mem_out1 [addr_out] = 32'b11111111_000000000000000000000000;
                mem_out2 [addr_out] = pix_val;  
                mem_out3 [addr_out] = 32'b00000000_000000000000000000000000;

                addr_out = addr_out + 16'b0000000000000001;

        else if (w_mem_out == 3)        

                mem_out1 [addr_out] = 32'b11111111_000000000000000000000000; 
                mem_out2 [addr_out] = 32'b11111111_000000000000000000000000;
                mem_out3 [addr_out] = pix_val;

                addr_out = addr_out + 16'b0000000000000001;


                addr_out = addr_out;



The program already works perfectly fine on simulation, but since I'm planning to load it into my FPGA, I want to use the SDRAM memories available in the board (my intention is to make a full SOC, and I need to load the data to the SDRAM, then use my design to process such data).

So, I wonder if programming the SDRAM is too far from what I did in the code above. You can see there is are some logic I wrote in order it save the data I want into the "memories" but I'm not sure if this is same when doing the SDRAM or I will have to later change my design for this (I would not like this since my system is already working good in simulation).

I wrote the code above reading from altera documentation, they say this is the way to make a RAM, but is this synthesizable? What is really happening in the FPGA, it inferers memory using the gates in the FPGA chip or make use of the actual memory of the board? Please note, input data is composed of 57600 32bits numbers.


  • The code that you have written would be synthesized to internal RAM blocks or LUT-based RAMs. They will not utilize the SDRAM on the board

    The internal RAM of an FPGA generally has a single clock cycle access and the path through these RAMs is included in the Static Timing Analysis that is usually performed after Place and Route (PAR).

    If you wish to use the on-board SDRAM, you will have to include a dedicated SDRAM controller, which will consume finite logic inside the FPGA. The access times for these on-board SDRAMs would typically be a few clock cycles and would be bursty in nature.

    External SDRAMs are typically used to store large volumes of data such as packet payloads or equivalent while on-chip RAMs are used to store local data such as headers, temporary processing results, etc.