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Rewrite a URL with curly brackets around a query string value in IIS

How can I replace the query string value of my URL using IIS? All I want to do is change the value in the ListId from the old value to the new one.

Old ListId value: 7898D8D3-7FDC-427C-B81D-AE95ADA03F07

New ListId value: 32992B8E-905E-47CA-BAB2-846D3E5D399F

Source URL:


Target URL:


The curly braces are causing my headaches. I've tried the %7B and %7D in the expression, but IIS doesn't like it. (BTW- this is a SharePoint 2010 website, IIS v7.5)



  • You need to use {UrlDecode:%7B} . See here

    So your rewrite rule will look something like below

    <rule name="ModifyQueryString" stopProcessing="true">
        <match url="(.*)" />
            <add input="{QUERY_STRING}" pattern="(.*)listid=\{7898D8D3-7FDC-427C-B81D-AE95ADA03F07\}(.*)" />
        <action type="Redirect" url="{C:1}&amp;listid={UrlDecode:%7B}32992B8E-905E-47CA-BAB2-846D3E5D399F{UrlDecode:%7D}{C:2}" appendQueryString="false" />