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Where is there a list of Server Variables or <allowedServerVariables>?

I want to know if there is a place that lists my server variables.

I'm using Rewrite Url and I'm curious what I could effect.

I found this blog article that lists the variables on a web page. I don't really want to add this to the site if there's another way.

I've also researched Rewrite Url and all they say is:


Global rewrite rules can be used to set any request headers and server variables, as well as overwrite any existing ones. Distributed rewrite rules can only set/overwrite the request headers and server variables that are defined in the allowed list for server variables <allowedServerVariables>. If a distributed rewrite rule attempts to set any server variable or an HTTP header that is not listed in the <allowedServerVariables> collection a runtime error will be generated by URL Rewrite Module. The <allowedServerVariables> collection by default is stored in applicationHost.config file and can be modified only by an IIS server administrator.

Where can I find a list of my server variables?

If I don't have server adminstrator access, is there a list of common server variables that I can try?


  • By searching for a specific server variable I came across these two pages. This was pretty much what I was looking for.

    ASP Server Variables (W3Schools)

    IIS 6.0 Server Variables (Microsoft)