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Rewrite URL via htaccess when request header has a specific value

I'm using Cloudflare, which has a request header named CF-IPCountry that holds the value of the country the user is visiting from. Example: DE for Germany.

I need to serve a different image in certain cases. For example, for all users, the France flag will be loaded with this request:

But, if the CF-IPCountry request header value is CA (Canada), then all requests for should actually load this other file

I've detected those cases for these visitors:

  • CA: canadians should load fr-ca instead of the french flag fr
  • BR: brazilians should load pt-br instead of the portuguese flag pt

How can this logic be implemented on my .htaccess file?


Based on @CBroe's recommendation, I've come up with 2 approaches.

1. Redirecting:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP:CF-IPCountry} ^CA$
RewriteRule ^static/img/lang/fr\.png$ [L,R=301]

2. Serving alternate file:

SetEnvIf CF-IPCountry ^CA$ ServeAlternativeFile=true

<FilesMatch "^static/img/lang/fr\.png$">
    Header set Location "/static/img/lang/fr-ca.png" env=ServeAlternativeFile
    Header set Content-Disposition "attachment; filename=fr-ca.png" env=ServeAlternativeFile


  • Solution

    Based on @CBroe's recommendation, I came up with 2 approaches.

    1. Redirecting:

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{HTTP:CF-IPCountry} ^CA$
    RewriteRule ^static/img/lang/fr\.png$ [L,R=301]

    2. Serving alternate file:

    SetEnvIf CF-IPCountry ^CA$ ServeAlternativeFile=true
    <FilesMatch "^static/img/lang/fr\.png$">
        Header set Location "/static/img/lang/fr-ca.png" env=ServeAlternativeFile
        Header set Content-Disposition "attachment; filename=fr-ca.png" env=ServeAlternativeFile