Instead of manually compiling my GLSL shaders to SPIR-V, I want Visual Studio to automatically detect changes to shader files and run glslangValidator as a build step. I am using Premake to generate the Visual Studio solution/project.
One solution that partly worked was declaring in premake5.lua
--prebuildcommands [[for %%i in (..\data\shaders\*) do (..\libs\vulkan\glslangValidator.exe -V -o "%%~dpibin\%%~nxi.spv" %%i)]]
and then right-click shader in solution explorer -> properties -> General -> Item Type -> Custom Build Tool
There are some downsides to this approach:
The closest thing I could find in the premake documentation was: Custom Build Commands. I think the idea is to use a filter on shader files and generate build commands, but I just couldn't get anything to work. Maybe someone else has an idea?
Looks like I misunderstood a few things from the premake documentation (thanks Nicol). I got it working by doing:
filter "files:../data/shaders/*"
buildcommands '"../libs/vulkan/glslangValidator.exe" -V -o "%{}/bin/%{}.spv" "%{file.relpath}"'
buildoutputs "%{}/bin/%{}.spv"
Now my Visual Studio project settings match krOoze's answer. The only downside is having to manually set this up for each new shader (or regenerate the entire project). Custom Rules look interesting but are only supported for Visual Studio at the moment (also they don't support multiple extension types in the same rule (.frag, .vert, .comp, etc)).