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convert jagged array of System::Byte to unsigned char**

I would like to implement a C++\CLI function that convert a jagged array of System::Byte to unsigned char**. I made this:

unsigned char**     NUANCECLR::IsItYou::convertBBtoCC(array<array<System::Byte>^>^ b)
    unsigned char** x = NULL;
    for (size_t indx = 0; indx < b->Length; indx++)
            if (b[indx]->Length > 1)
                pin_ptr<System::Byte> p = &b[indx][0];
                unsigned char* pby = p;
                char* pch = reinterpret_cast<char*>(pby);
                x[indx] = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(pch);
                x[indx] = nullptr;
    return x;

I can't test it currently, maybe someone can help me, tell me if it is ok or not, because I need it relatively fast.Thank you!


  • Not OK. This will bow up in your face a number of different ways:

    unsigned char**     NUANCECLR::IsItYou::convertBBtoCC(array<array<System::Byte>^>^ b)
        unsigned char** x = NULL; 

    No storage allocated. x[anything] will be invalid.

        for (size_t indx = 0; indx < b->Length; indx++)
                if (b[indx]->Length > 1)
                    pin_ptr<System::Byte> p = &b[indx][0]; 

    this pining pointer will go out of scope at the end of this if block and unpin. The system may once again move or delete at will

                    unsigned char* pby = p;

    This takes a pointer to an array of object wappers around a byte and assigns it to an array of char. I won't claim expertise here, but I don't believe this will work transparently without a lot of hidden voodoo.

                    char* pch = reinterpret_cast<char*>(pby);

    This will actually work, but becasue the previous likely doesn't, I don't expect pch to point at anything meaningful.

                    x[indx] = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(pch);

    As stated above, x doesn't point at any storage. This is doomed.

                    x[indx] = nullptr;

    also doomed

        return x;

    and still doomed.



    1. Allocate unmanaged storage with new for a char * array of size b->Length and assign to x
    2. Allocate unmanaged storage with new for a char array of size b[indx]->Length and copy all of the elements of b into it, then assign to x[indx].
    3. return x
    4. ensure all the arrays pointed to by x and then x are deleted when you're done with them. Or use vector<vector<char>> instead of char**.