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VSTS: Deploy Azure SQL DACPAC throws an error

I am trying to setup a Release on VSTS for an Azure SQL database using the 'Deploy Azure SQL DACPAC'. I get the following error (with system.debug = true)

2016-08-09T06:23:08.4767615Z Publishing to database 'DBName' on server 'DBServer'. 
2016-08-09T06:23:08.6821649Z Initializing deployment (Start) 
2016-08-09T06:23:24.7312223Z Initializing deployment (Failed) 
2016-08-09T06:23:24.7684904Z ##[debug]System.Management.Automation.RemoteException: * Could not deploy package. 
2016-08-09T06:23:24.7794888Z ##[debug][Azure RDFE Call] Deleting firewall rule 7d14da9b-4c86-4ed6-a3f3-d238a3143c39 on azure database server: DBServer 
2016-08-09T06:23:25.9730592Z ##[debug][Azure RDFE Call] Firewall rule 7d14da9b-4c86-4ed6-a3f3-d238a3143c39 deleted on azure database server: DBServer 
2016-08-09T06:23:25.9840576Z ##[error]System.Management.Automation.ParentContainsErrorRecordException: * Could not deploy package.

Following is the publish profile -

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="12.0" xmlns="">
    <TargetConnectionString>Data Source=DBServer;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=username;Pooling=False</TargetConnectionString>

I read a couple of similar posts on this, one here and one on another forum. They suggested adding the IP range manually ( to and using friendly server name instead of FQDN but that did not work. I am able to publish it manually through Visual Studio without any problems.

I tried the suggestions from the following posts already
VSTS: Deploy Azure SQL DACPAC Release Management throwing an error
Azure SQL DACPAC task keeps failing

EDIT - full DACPAC log


  • I was able to solve this with the help of a colleague's friend. The database that was being updated had a table with a column set as NULL and the DACPAC had the create script for the table with column as NOT NULL which caused the error. I altered the existing table to make the column NOT NULL and the release worked.