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Return failed conversion data in SQL Server

My company has a table in which the string dd/mm is stored for various entities and so I can compare it against some other dates (specifically for the year 2006 for example taking '01/04' and the trying to make it 01/04/2006* to then try and convert that to a datetime)

I've done the following:

convert(datetime, field + '/2006', 103)

so that it takes the dd/mm column and creates a dd/mm/yyyy string, to then convert it to a datetime value which I can then use in various comparisons.

However one of the entries in the original table of 5321 potential rows throws an error

Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string

I've tried looking for obvious ones (leap years) and days larger than 31st etc but no luck

Is there a way of getting SQL Server to return the string it tried converting into a date but then failed? Something like

select id, convert(datetime, field + '/2006', 103) 
on error return 'error'

so that I get the primary id for row producing the error and can use that to track it down?


  • You can use TRY_CONVERT to find rows with invalid dates like:

    SELECT *
    FROM MyTable
    WHERE TRY_CONVERT(DATE, field + '/2006') IS NULL
        AND field IS NOT NULL;