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How to do join in a SQL query using a bit masked value

I am have trouble finding a good example SQL query to do a join on two tables where the value being joined on is a bit mask value.

Region Table

RegionBitmask RegionName
1 North
2 East
4 South
8 West

Store Region XRef Table

StoreID StoreCode StoreRegion
1 100 3
2 101 1
3 102 9
4 103 8
5 104 12

Such that I would get results back like:

StoreID StoreCode StoreRegion RegionBitmask RegionName
1 100 3 1 North
1 100 3 2 East
2 101 1 1 North
3 102 9 1 North
3 102 9 8 West
4 103 8 8 West
5 104 12 4 South
5 104 12 8 West
select *
from StoreRegionXRef
     left join Region on StoreRegion & RegionBitmask = StoreRegion

Does not provide expected results, always seem to get a subset of expected results or no results.


  • Using the & (bitwise AND) operator you can join between your StoreRegionXref and StoreRegion table:

    SELECT *
    from StoreRegionXRef 
      left join StoreRegion on StoreRegionXref.StoreRegion & StoreRegion.RegionBitmask > 0

    You can see a dbfiddle of this in action here

    This logic checks your bitmask to see if the corresponding bit in your StoreRegion table is present in the bitmask.