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Silex v1.3 to Silex v2: Twig_Error_Runtime

I recently migrated my Silex v1.3 project where everything is worked fine, to the Silex v2. I get a twig error where I don't understand the cause

Twig_Error_Runtime in Template.php line 590:

Neither the property "request" nor one of the methods "request()", "getrequest()"/"isrequest()" or "__call()" exist and have public access in class "Silex\Application" in "index.twig" at line 5

Here is the 5 first lines of my index.twig file

{% extends "layout.twig" %}

{% block stylsheets %}
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ app.request.basepath }}/public/libs/odometer/themes/odometer-theme-minimal.css" />

And of course in the layout, I call the

{% block stylsheets %}{% endblock %}

But I'm not sure at all, the problem is on the twig file... Is something has to be change ?

Here is an extract of the controller:

$app->get('/', function () use ($app) {

    return $app['twig']->render('index.twig', [

Thanks for help


  • I found out that app.request.uri wasn't working anymore with recent Twig.

    But if you use global.request.uri it works fine.

    I did not find any information in Twig's documentation about that.