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Extracting subset of data with inner join to itself

I have data in the following format and want to extract the records that have year = 2013 and 2014 and 2015 for a Symbol. (ie those 3 years, not 2 of, not 4)

The first one below (FLWS) fits but the next one (FCCY) only has 2013 and 2014 but not 15 so i don't want it in the end set. Further down DDD and MMM have 2012 to 2105 and I just want the 2013-15 data from them.

I can't figure out the inner join needed to extract the sets of 3 records for 2013, 14 and 15. Any help appreciated Thanks

Symbol  Exchange    Date        Year
FLWS    NAS         2013-05-01  2015
FLWS    NAS         2013-05-01  2014
FLWS    NAS         2013-05-01  2013
FCCY    NAS         2013-05-01  2014
FCCY    NAS         2013-05-01  2013
SRCE    NAS         2013-05-01  2014
SRCE    NAS         2013-05-01  2013
SRCE    NAS         2013-05-01  2012
FNHC    NAS         2013-05-01  2014
FNHC    NAS         2013-05-01  2013
DDD     NYS         2013-05-01  2015
DDD     NYS         2013-05-01  2014
DDD     NYS         2013-05-01  2013
DDD     NYS         2013-05-01  2012
MMM     NYS         2013-05-01  2015
MMM     NYS         2013-05-01  2014
MMM     NYS         2013-05-01  2013
MMM     NYS         2013-05-01  2012
JOBS    NAS         2013-05-01  2014
JOBS    NAS         2013-05-01  2013


  • I think I understood your question

    Declare @Table table (Symbol varchar(25),Exchange varchar(25),Date Date,Year int)
    Insert Into @Table (Symbol,Exchange,Date,Year) values
    Select A.* 
     From @Table A
     Join (Select Symbol,Hits=count(Distinct Year),MinYear=min(Year) From @Table Group By Symbol) B on (A.Symbol=B.Symbol and B.Hits=3 and B.MinYear=2013)
     Order By Symbol,Year


    Symbol  Exchange    Date        Year
    FLWS    NAS         2013-05-01  2013
    FLWS    NAS         2013-05-01  2014
    FLWS    NAS         2013-05-01  2015