Hi I am writing a sample code for i18n in c++. I referenced the following link.
The output displays the text in english. What is the problem here?
#include "start.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <locale.h>
#include "/opt/local/share/gettext/gettext.h"
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
char* cwd = getenv("PWD");
std::cout << "getenv(PWD): " << (cwd?cwd:"NULL") << std::endl;
char* l = getenv("LANG");
std::cout << "getenv(LANG): " << (l?l:"NULL") << std::endl;
char* s = setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
std::cout << "setlocale(): " << (s?s:"NULL") << std::endl;
std::cout << "bindtextdomain(): " << bindtextdomain("hello", cwd) << std::endl;
std::cout << "textdomain(): " << textdomain( "hello") << std::endl;
std::cout << gettext("hello, world!") << std::endl;
return 0;
$> g++ -o start start.cpp
$> xgettext -d start -o start.pot start.cpp
$> msginit --no-translator -l es_MX -o start_es.po -i start.pot
Created start_es.po.
I opened the start_es.po files using poedit.app and translated the text and saved
$> mkdir -p es/LC_MESSAGES
$> msgfmt -c -v -o ./es/LC_MESSAGES/start.mo start_es.po
1 translated message.
$>export LANG=es_MX
$> ./start
There is a bug in the code while binding domains. I changed that as follows
std::cout << "setlocale(): " << (s ? s : "NULL") << std::endl;
std::cout << "bindtextdomain(): " << bindtextdomain(“start", cwd)<< std::endl;
std::cout << "textdomain(): " << textdomain( “start") << std::endl;
The following trace helped me to find that out.
dhcp-140:Debug UserName $ sudo dtruss -f -t open ./start
getenv(PWD): /Users/UserName/WorkPlace/lang/DerivedData/lang/Build/Products/Debug
getenv(LANG): NULL
setlocale(): NULL
textdomain(): hello
hello, world!
PID/THRD SYSCALL(args) = return
7213/0x16cd1: open(".\0", 0x0, 0x1) = 3 0
7213/0x16cd1: open("/usr/lib/dtrace/libdtrace_dyld.dylib\0", 0x0, 0x0) = 3 0
7213/0x16cd1: open("/opt/local/lib/libintl.8.dylib\0", 0x0, 0x0) = 3 0
7213/0x16cd1: open("/opt/local/lib/libiconv.2.dylib\0", 0x0, 0x0) = 3 0
7213/0x16cd1: open("/dev/dtracehelper\0", 0x2, 0x7FFF540FDA20) = 3 0
7213/0x16cd1: open("/Users/UserName/WorkPlace/lang/DerivedData/lang/Build/Products/Debug/./start\0", 0x0, 0x1FF) = 3 0
7213/0x16cd1: open("/Users/UserName/WorkPlace/lang/DerivedData/lang/Build/Products/Debug/en/LC_MESSAGES/hello.mo\0", 0x0, 0x8) = -1 Err#2