I'm trying to create a script that will replicate a DOORS structure in a windows file structure. The idea is to run the script and have the folder structure from the current location downwards replicated in a windows folder structure of the users' choosing. I'm brand new to DXL but I've found the mkdir() function. When using it I seem to have problems when giving it a full filepath i.e. C:\output\folder1\ . In this case it would not create the structure properly unless C:\output already exists.
My question is, is there a way to make it so that multiple folder levels can be created at once, or is there a better way to go about it?
Steve's answer was correct, although in my case it made more sense to use recursion, due to some other stuff I also had to do.
This code was modified from a version I found on the IBM Developer Works forum, but I cannot find the source, I'll link it if I find it again
void RecurseFolder(Folder fld)
{ // Deal RECURSIVELY with sub-folders, and then all modules in this folder
if (!fileExists_(g_base_dir "\\" name(fld)) && !(name(current) == name(fld)))
mkdir(g_base_dir "\\")
Skip skpItems = createString()
Item itm
string NameItem
Folder fldNew
// Stage in Skip, key is name which is Alpha order
for itm in fld do
put (skpItems, fullName(itm), itm)
// Recurse through sub-folders
for itm in skpItems do
string base_dir = g_base_dir
NameItem = (string key skpItems)
if (type(itm) == "Folder" or type(itm) == "Project")
fldNew = folder(NameItem)
g_base_dir = g_base_dir "\\" name(fldNew)
RecurseFolder(fldNew) // *** RECURSION ***
g_base_dir = base_dir
else if (type(itm) == "Formal")
//open module for reading - silent mode, standard view
Module m = read(fullName(itm), false, true)
if (NameItem != "")
if (!null export(base_dir "\\" name(itm) ".xml"))
errorBox "Export failed! - \n" base_dir "\\" name(itm) ".xml"
//if module is not visible
if (!isVisible(m))
// close it to improve performance
close m
else {} //Nothing to do
} // end RecurseFolder()